POMjs is a random password generator in HTML and pure Javascript. It can be customized by modifying the sources. There's really nothing magic going on here, but it works and is somewhat responsive. The goal was to make something small, useful, and reasonably free from dependencies.
POMjs uses a "minified" version of normalize.css to reset the DOM to reasonable settings 😊
POMjs includes no externally loaded resources and contains no tracking code or cookie management.
Download the distribution or clone the repo. Files and folders should be placed in your web root, or another folder accessible to your web server. All references to CSS
and Javascript
use relative paths.
There may be references to "Öppet Moln" ("Open Cloud"), which is a Swedish site run by the author of POMjs, oppetmoln.se, to promote open source solutions for general use. You can, of course, delete such references.
I'd appreciate a mention on whatever website you use this one, and a link to the original repo, but it's not required.
- From a visitor perspective, simply enable the desired string sequences, and possibly adjust the password length. Click on the Enter button or use the Enter key when the button has focus.
- The generated password is displayed at the bottom of the box, along with a strength indicator.
- The slider can also be used to change the number of characters in the generated password, as can the input field to the right of the slider.
- The HTML should have proper
attributes for easier keyboard navigation. - To copy the generated password to the clipboard, click on the password.
- "Dark mode" (browser setting) should be honored.
Please see CHANGELOG.md for a list of changes.
The original Javascript source is in password-om.js
. The index.html
file includes password-om.min.js
. So I suggest you make your customizations in the "unminified" .js file and then create a new password-om.min.js
file. If you do not have access to a "minification tool", you can simply copy an "unminified" version of password-om.js
to password-om.min.js
, it's really not that big of a difference.
Most parameters/settings can be changed in the .js
Name | Default | Comment |
POM_strUppercase | Auto-generated A-Z | Change if needed, used by default |
POM_strLowercase | Auto-generated a-z | Change if needed, used by default |
POM_strDigits | Auto-generated 0-9 | Change if needed, used by default |
POM_strSpecialOne | -._#$@%! | Change if needed, used by default |
POM_strSpecialTwo | "+(){}[]?&,*<>|:;^ | Change if needed, not used by default |
POM_strUppercase_Default | true | Enables POM_strUppercase by default |
POM_strLowercase_Default | true | Enables POM_strLowercase by default |
POM_strDigits_Default | true | Enables POM_strDigits by default |
POM_strSpecialOne_Default | true | Enables POM_strSpecialOne by default |
POM_strSpecialTwo_Default | false | Enables POM_strSpecialTwo by default |
POM_mkPasswordOnLoad | true | Generate password on first page load |
POM_changeIsClick | true | Generate password when parameters are changed |
POM_minLength | 16 | Minimum (and default) password length |
POM_maxLength | 256 | Maxmium password length |
POM_sliderStep | 8 | 1 - .. |
POM_debug | false | Emit "debug" output with console.log() |
Most of the styling is done via CSS. I have tried to make it reasonably responsive, and I have tested with it with various browsers.
Please note that index.html
makes use of password-om.min.css
by default.
The (very) few strings can be translated. The distribution contains strings in English (default), Swedish, German, Dutch, Finnish, French, and Luxembourgish. The code attempts to guess the language from the navigator.language properties. If they do not exist, or cannot be interpreted, the fallback language used is English.
The "string setup" is done in the POM_initialSetup()
If you would like to contribute to the translation, please open an issue and post the language and the translated strings, please include how/if you would like to be mentioned in the credits.
Thanks to Peter Hampf (hello O/T-Track
🤘) for the German translation 😊
Thanks to Jeroen van de Leur for the Dutch translation 😊
Thanks to Alain Fontaine for the French and Luxembourgish translations 😊
Thanks to Thomas Raehalme for the Finnish translations 😊
Thanks to Mihaly Balassy for the Hungarian translations 😊
Thanks to Gregor Godler for the Slovenian translations 😊
Thanks for Sarah Bailey for assistance in "debugging" use on iOS/macOS 😊
The "cloud icon" comes from Streamline
POMjs was written by Joaquim Homrighausen while converting caffeine into code ☕
POMjs is licensed under the GPLv2 license. See the LICENSE
file for more details.
Copyright 2022, 2023 Joaquim Homrighausen.
You can see POMjs in action, and more or less unmodified, on the following links:
- Öppet Moln ("Open Cloud"); password.oppetmoln.se
- WebbPlatsen i Sverige AB; password.webbplatsen.se
These links are not here for any sort of endorsement or marketing, they're purely for informational purposes 😎
- WebbPlatsen; webbplatsen.se
- Öppet Moln ("Open Cloud"); oppetmoln.se
- me; joho.se and github.com/joho1968
- POMjs repo; github.com/joho1968/POMjs
- normalize.css repo; github.com/necolas/normalize.css
- Streamline, Icons and Illustrations; streamlinehq.com