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Gustavo Rosa edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

LibDEEP can be easily installed in Unix-based systems by just following these steps:

  • Install GNU Scientific Library (GSL) at

  • Install LibOPF Library at Type cd LibOPF, and then type make to build it.

  • Now, simply git clone this project. The system will create a directory named LibDEEP. Type cd LibDEEP, and then type make to build it.

  • For each technique that will be used, type cd LibDEEP/examples, choose your technique folder and inside it type another make technique_name in order to compile it. For example, if you wish to use RBM, enter examples/RBM and type make RBM.

However, you may find installation issues under OS X. If you have any problem, please let us know. It is advised to use GNU/gcc compiler, instead the one available from Xcode. Here there is a nice tutorial to install GNU/gcc on OS X systems.

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