- View of Juri's favorite Dublin brunch places
- Google Maps integration:
- Marker representing the places
- Infowindow on click on marker or list items
- Opening hours and pictures from Google places API
- Foursquare integration:
- Phone number comparison on button click
- Check if phone number is the same as Google places:
- Shows success if it's the same
- Shows both numbers if they're different
- Shows error if no foursquare number could be found
- Filter functionality:
- Fuzzy search on list items
- Resets by deleting values
- Reactions to every single character input/change
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- KnockoutJS
- Gulp (JS taskrunner based on NodeJS)
- APIs
- Google Maps
- Google Places
- Foursquare Places Search
- Clone repo
- Doubleclick on index.html in created folder
- Clone repo
- Install npm
- Install gulp
- Initialize gulp watcher in shell
gulp watch