This repo collects known test cases crashing the Swift compiler. All tests cases in the crashes/
directory are known to generate a compiler crash under Xcode 6.1 beta (Xcode 6 GM seed, "xcode_6.1_beta.dmg").
Help us towards a rock solid Swift compiler by contributing any compiler crashes you may encounter.
Happy Swifting! :-)
$ git clone
$ cd swift-compiler-crashes/
$ ./
Running tests against: swift-600.0.53.5
Using Xcode found at path: /Applications/
Usage: ./ [-v] [-c<columns>] [file ...]
== Currently known crashes ==
✘ 001 protocol conforming to itself (654d61252d)
✘ 002 function returning itself ( )
✘ 003 sequencetype (a1eab6ef15)
✘ 004 function taking itself as argument ( )
✘ 005 recursive call (446073f2f9)
✘ 006 placeholder property initializer with closure (6f675588c7)
✘ 008 boolean operator (43d38f379a)
✘ 011 protocol class func dot type (3395cd089c)
✘ 012 fixpoint of higher order function (f05d6fb24b)
✘ 013 dynamic type (439f134fd7)
✘ 015 generic enum referencing itself in case ( )
✘ 016 typealias referencing itself (99f7b1e534)
✘ 017 type parameter resolved to protocol (162d98be89)
✘ 018 generic function with nested type (f2d0908f50)
✘ 019 class hierarchy type confusion (37af490092)
✘ 020 class extending itself (22b78d5dfc)
✘ 021 generic class referencing itself (da161d77bd)
✘ 022 generic class referencing itself with verbose syntax ( )
✘ 023 calling func with default params via let or var (f359a5fd4b)
✘ 024 parameterized struct with array var initialized to empty (d7565bd607)
✘ 025 populating protocol typealias with generic types type (31c5d7710d)
✘ 028 extension property defined in library (lib II) ( )
✘ 029 class with anyobject type constraint (adce75c94e)
✘ 031 basic block terminator ( )
✘ 032 type constraint emit type metadata (7498fa7f98)
✘ 033 constraint ordering heap trash (446456229f)
✘ 034 typecheck segfault (612babfff4)
✘ 035 multiple typecheck segfault (0b3b215f11)
✘ 036 lisp style (bfa18d7b9c)
✘ 037 exit code depends on optimization level (script) (67cc1b03a2)
✘ 040 optional in generics (c27b5a5165)
✘ 041 combo of generic struct func and protocol (372cb36d5e)
✘ 043 type parameter and param from typealias (804f7c6fe3)
✘ 045 self executing closure (2d0f32deb0)
✘ 046 any array containing ints (repl) ( )
✘ 047 enum case with parameterized type and closure (a58e03d297)
✘ 048 unowned self broken if inheriting nsobject (runtime) (f42d9062cf)
✘ 049 type inference with closure expression (b860be8df4)
✘ 051 type specifier inside curry (e0958076f3)
✘ 052 types declared in block and used via higher order func ( )
== Crashes marked as fixed in previous releases ==
✓ 007 convenience init in extension
✓ 009 class referencing protocol referencing class
✓ 010 circular protocol reference
✓ 014 enum in generic type
✓ 026 extension property referenced from another file
✓ 027 void map over sequence
✓ 030 string as extensibe collection
✓ 038 hang on init of recursive generic type
✓ 039 string join
✓ 042 nested pattern match with type cast
✓ 044 string range subscript
✓ 050 protocols with circular typealiases
** Results: 40 of 52 tests crashed the compiler **
GitHub contributor | Cases contributed | Started contributing | |
practicalswift – practicalswift | @practicalswift | 40 test cases | Xcode6-Beta6 |
tmu – Teemu Kurppa | @Teemu | 4 test cases | Xcode6-Beta6 |
jvasileff – John Vasileff | @jvasileff | 2 test cases | Xcode6-Beta6 |
rnapier – Rob Napier | @cocoaphony | 2 test cases | Xcode6-Beta7 |
0xc010d – Ievgen Solodovnykov | @0xc010d | 1 test case | Xcode6-Beta6 |
AlexDenisov – Alexey Denisov | @1101_debian | 1 test case | Xcode6-Beta6 |
jansabbe – Jan Sabbe | @jansabbe | 1 test case | Xcode6-Beta6 |
owensd – David Owens II | @owensd | 1 test case | Xcode6-Beta6 |