Instead of having scattered throw-away projects all over the place with various implemenation techniques and little tips and tricks, I'm adding all to this project so I end up with a nice collection.
- TilingScrollView: an "infinite" scrollview using CATiledLayer iOS Recipes, Recipe 11
- MultiTouch: drag and rotation gesture recognizers WWDC Videos 2010 Session 120
- TableView: UITableView with custom static background image and custom cells
- CoreGraphics: CG doodles as I follow along WWDC 2011 Session 129
- LazyTable: table view that lazily loads images using NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler
- Fonts: list of all available fonts
- EventKit: lists all events -1 day until +1 day from now
- PullToRefresh: UITableViewController with pull to refresh (
- SwipeCell: Cell that can be swiped to reveal a 2nd view behind it