Releases: jump-dev/MathOptInterface.jl
Releases · jump-dev/MathOptInterface.jl
MathOptInterface v1.38.0
Merged pull requests:
- [Nonlinear] add SymbolicAD submodule (#2624) (@odow)
- [Bridges] improve function getter of SplitHyperRectangleBridge (#2681) (@odow)
- [Utilities] fix operate(vcat for VectorNonlinearFunction (#2682) (@odow)
- [Bridges] refactor NormOneBridge.jl from NormInfinityBridge.jl (#2684) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear.SymbolicAD] simplify quadratic functions if possible (#2685) (@odow)
- [Test] use SymbolicAD.simplify when comparing ConstraintFunction (#2686) (@odow)
- [FileFormats.MOF] make use_nlp_block=false the default if SNF in model (#2688) (@odow)
- Add a check item for Test.version_added when making a release (#2690) (@odow)
- [Test] update version_added (#2691) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.38.0 (#2692) (@odow)
Closed issues:
MathOptInterface v1.37.1
Merged pull requests:
- [Test] fix regex for including files in test/Utilities/mockoptimizer.jl (#2657) (@odow)
- [Test] refactor test/Test/Test.jl into functions (#2658) (@odow)
- Add a test for MOI.get! (#2659) (@odow)
- [Utilities] improve code coverage (#2660) (@odow)
- [Bridges] improve test coverage (#2661) (@odow)
- [Bridges] fix modify MultirowChange for Constraint.SetMap (#2662) (@odow)
- [Utilities] test pass_nonvariable_constraints (#2663) (@odow)
- [Bridges.Variable] change ParameterToEqualToBridge to <: SetMapBridge (#2664) (@odow)
- [Bridges] fix attribute_value_type(::ListOfNonstandardBridges) (#2665) (@odow)
- [Test] improve test coverage (#2666) (@odow)
- [Utilities] improve test coverage (#2669) (@odow)
- [Test] simplify import Base.Test workaround (#2670) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear] improve code coverage of operators.jl (#2671) (@odow)
- [Bridges] improve test coverage (#2672) (@odow)
- Make the GitHub actions script more parallel (#2674) (@odow)
- [Test] improve test coverage (#2675) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.37.1 (#2676) (@odow)
Closed issues:
MathOptInterface v1.37.0
Merged pull requests:
- [docs] remove experimental warning from Nonlinear (#2625) (@odow)
- [FileFormats.MPS] fix scale factor in Gurobi's QCMATRIX (#2628) (@odow)
- [FileFormats] improve test coverage (#2630) (@odow)
- [FileFormats.MPS] remove unused code for detecting N lines (#2631) (@odow)
- [FileFormats.MPS] remove unroll macro (#2632) (@odow)
- Fix codecov logo (#2634) (@joaquimg)
- Remove MPB from readme (#2635) (@joaquimg)
- Add row-wise constructors for VectorAffine and VectorQuadratic functions (#2636) (@odow)
- [Utilities] improve code coverage (#2637) (@odow)
- Add blank lines between definitions (#2638) (@odow)
- Improve code coverage (#2639) (@odow)
- [Utilities] unify how we compute variable dual fallback (#2640) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear] improve test coverage (#2641) (@odow)
- Fix duplicate test name in FileFormats.LP (#2642) (@odow)
- Remove precompile statements (#2643) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear] remove null branch (#2644) (@odow)
- [Utilities] improve test coverage (#2645) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear.ReverseAD] improve test coverage (#2646) (@odow)
- [Test] add basic Integer tests (#2647) (@odow)
- [Test] improve code coverage (#2648) (@odow)
- [Test] simplify check for supported conflict status (#2649) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear] improve test coverage of operators.jl (#2650) (@odow)
- [FileFormats.MOF] fix reading type of PrimalStart and DualStart (#2652) (@odow)
- [FileFormats] fix writing unsupported variable types (#2654) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.37.0 (#2655) (@odow)
- Remove Unicode (#2656) (@odow)
Closed issues:
MathOptInterface v1.36.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add all linear indicator constraints in the Utilities.Model (#2618) (@matbesancon)
- [Utilities] add test for indicator constraints in Model (#2619) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear] fix performance of evaluating univariate operators (#2620) (@odow)
- [Nonlinear] make _(Function|Subexpression)Storage immutable (#2621) (@odow)
- [Coloring] Fix docstrings (#2622) (@blegat)
- Prep for v1.36.0 (#2623) (@odow)
MathOptInterface v1.35.1
Merged pull requests:
- [FileFormats.MOF] replace OrderedDict by NamedTuple when writing (#2606) (@joaquimg)
- [FileFormats.MOF] remove all usage of OrderedDict (#2607) (@odow)
- Fix Base.copy for ScalarNonlinearFunction (#2612) (@odow)
- [FileFormats.MOF] Use JSON3 to write files (#2613) (@joaquimg)
- Prep for v1.35.1 (#2614) (@odow)
Closed issues:
MathOptInterface v1.35.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add set for low-rank constrained SDP (#2198) (@blegat)
- Add Bridges.Constraint.InequalityToComplementsBridge (#2582) (@odow)
- [Bridges] fix querying result attributes with result_index != 1 (#2583) (@odow)
- [Test] add tests from Gurobi.jl's nonlinear update (#2584) (@odow)
- [Test] fix nonlinear tests by adding starting point (#2585) (@odow)
- [Bridges] rename files in /bridges to their type (#2586) (@odow)
- [Bridges] add ExponentialConeToScalarNonlinearFunctionBridge (#2587) (@odow)
- [Test] add tests for DualObjectiveValue (#2588) (@odow)
- Use variable_start in Bridges.runtests (#2592) (@blegat)
- Add test with multiple PSD variables on same constraint (#2594) (@blegat)
- [Bridges.Constraint] add bridges in alphabetical order (#2596) (@odow)
- [Bridges] s/bridged_model/model (#2598) (@odow)
- [Bridges.Variable] add bridges in alphabetical order and change weight (#2599) (@odow)
- [Test] make first variable ZeroOne in test_basic_VectorAffineFunction_Indicator (#2600) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.35.0 (#2601) (@odow)
- Fix GitHub actions badge in README (#2602) (@odow)
- Update to upload-artifact@v4 (#2604) (@odow)
Closed issues:
MathOptInterface v1.34.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add set conversion bridge (#2536) (@blegat)
- [Utilities] fix adding unsupported constraints to AbstractModel (#2572) (@odow)
- add_constrained_variable with 2 sets (#2574) (@blegat)
- [Utilities] ignore attributes in UniversalFallback if set to nothing (#2575) (@odow)
- Promote bound of Interval if they have different types (#2577) (@blegat)
- Update solver-tests.yml to skip SDPAFamily (#2578) (@odow)
- Improve various docstrings by converting to jldoctest (#2579) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.34.0 (#2580) (@odow)
Closed issues: