- more consistent
- more cleaner
- more faster
- more organized code
It works on Emacs version 22.1.1+ , provides more reasonable styles: more organized code, more consistent, more cleaner and more faster. You can run it on any environment Emacs itself runs on: GUI or Terminal, even you can run multiple Emacs instances with different version on the same machine at the same time.
- clone Nore Emacs from github
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/junjiemars/.emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d
- open Emacs, after Emacs compile all elisp files, then reopen Emacs
- want more functionalities see Recipe section
Additionally, it is important to remind you to take care as it is exceptionally fast.
Emacs is the most powerful editor in the world there is no one of. It’s programmable, elegant and self-documenting.
As my daily work increasingly revolves around Emacs, I realize it’s time to integrate Emacs into my very being - not just for opening, navigating, editing, and saving files. Inspired by Euclid’s approach to geometry, I have created Nore Emacs.
Nore Emacs aims to provide a seamless experience with its focus on consistency, speed, stability, and hackability. It ensures consistent behavior across all platforms where Emacs is supported.
Now, let’s begin at Level Two. The key thing to remember is to familiarize yourself with some basic Elisp. You can start by using the Emacs built-in help system (C-h i m Elisp) and navigate to the Elisp documentation.
- Adaptive: Nore Emacs is designed to run on any operating system, whether it’s a graphical or terminal interface. It is compatible with both the latest Emacs versions and even older ones. Furthermore, you can use a single Emacs configuration for multiple coexisting Emacs instances on the same machine
- Consistent: Regardless of the environment or time, Nore Emacs always maintains consistent behavior. You can rely on a seamless experience no matter where or when you use it.
- Minimalism: Nore Emacs promotes a minimalist approach, both internally and externally. It only loads the necessary components based on your specific needs, ensuring efficiency and avoiding unnecessary clutter.
- Emacs [22.1,29.4]
- Keyboard+
- Linux, whatever GUI or TUI
- Darwin, whatever GUI or TUI
- Windows, whatever GUI or TUI
- Raspberry Pi and Docker container, etc.,
- Network or without Network
- One machine, multiple Emacs instances
- You are the master of your Emacs, …
- Navigating, finding, grepping in the same way wherever, …
- Org Mode that’s your new life, …
- Amazing programming experiments, C, Lisp, …
- It’s a zero-cost extension and git friendly infrastructure.
Just one thing you need to do, clone it (just <1024KiB) to your HOME
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/junjiemars/.emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d
First run Nore Emacs, it should automatically do:
- byte/native compile elisp source files.
- install packages, if you allow it.
After first run Nore Emacs, exit and then reopen Emacs.
On Windows, if you’d Git-Bash installed but no Emacs, you are lucky, a one line code will do it all for you and more: fix some Emacs’ issue for you, and you don’t need run src_shell{git clone …},
HAS_EMACS=1 bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junjiemars/kit/master/win/install-win-kits.sh)
Now, it will works perfectly, but if you want to more control and more features, such as themes, packages, and fonts etc., see next section: recipe
Signify your Emacs HOME as (emacs-home)
Your private configuration directory at (emacs-home "private/")
All things under it you can rename, move, delete.
All Elisp files should be compiled, if you meet some trouble, a magic
interactive function (clean-compiled-files)
should help,
run it and reopen the Emacs.
(emacs-home) ├── LICENSE ├── README.org ├── config (comment "all stuff here") ├── .eln (comment "native compiled packages") ├── .elpa (comment "installed packages") ├── init.el (comment "Emacs init file") ├── private (comment "your configuration can put here") │ ├── self-env-spec.el │ ├── self-mod-spec.el │ ├── self-epilogue.el └── theme (comment "themes directory")
Locate your spec via (*self-paths*)
;; Run order: :env-spec -> :mod-spec -> :epilogue
;; You can point to your Gited Emacs' configuration repo.
;; Default samples `sample-self-*.el' in `(emacs-home "config/")' directory.
;; :epilogue run in `after-init-hook'
(*self-paths* :put :mod-spec
(comment (emacs-home "private/self-mod-spec.el")))
(*self-paths* :put :epilogue
(comment (emacs-home "private/self-epilogue.el")))
Directories with .
prefix are for the modules that need store
configuration or cached files.
(emacs-home) ├── .backup ├── .bookmarks ├── .desktop ├── .dired ├── .eshell ├── .exec (comment "exec-path") ├── .ido ├── .mail ├── .save ├── .tags ├── .tramp └── (comment "more ...")
Introduce the rules of naming files and functions.
(emacs-home "config/") ├── autoloads.el ├── boot.el ├── chez.el ├── dict.el ├── fn.el ├── gambit.el ├── graphic.el ├── gud-cdb.el ├── gud-lldb.el ├── memo.el ├── sodoku.el └── (comment "more ...")
- extension for Emacs builtin packages:
(emacs-home "config/") ├── cc.el ├── guds.el ├── shells.el ├── modules.el ├── sockets.el ├── tags.el └── (comment "more ...")
- autoload extension for Emacs builtin packages:
(emacs-home "config/") ├── on-cc-autoload.el ├── on-compile-autoload.el ├── on-dired-autoload.el ├── on-docview-autoload.el ├── on-edit-autoload.el ├── on-eglot-autoload.el ├── on-trans-autoload.el ├── on-shell-autoload.el ├── on-eww-autoload.el └── (comment "more ...")
- extension for non Emacs builtin packages:
(emacs-home "config/") ├── use-geiser-autoload.el ├── use-magit-autoload.el ├── use-slime-autoload.el └── (comment "more ...")
(emacs-home "config/") ├── sample-self-env-spec.el ├── sample-self-mod-spec.el └── sample-self-epilogue.el
for processing versioned directories or files, such asv-home
only existing at compile-time, such as_mark_thing@_
is the extension of Emacs’ builtin function or macrox
, such asevery*
is the extension of functiony
of featurex
, such asvc*-dir
will be expanded at compile time, such asif%
function or macrox
has side-effects, such asv-home!
positional functions, such asmark-word@
Easy to switch themes, or try a new one.
The theme
’s spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :theme :custom-theme-directory)
:put :theme
`( :name nil ; tango-dark
:custom-theme-directory nil ; ,(emacs-home% "theme/")
:compile nil ; expert option
:allowed nil))
name of theme, does not need -theme.el suffix:custom-theme-directory
where custom theme files located:compile
compile theme, compiled theme more smooth and more faster if you had already confirmed the theme is secure.:allowed
The frame
’s spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :frame)
and for
GUI mode only.
:put :frame
`( :initial ((width . 80)
(height . 32)
(font . ,(if-platform% darwin
(if-platform% windows-nt
:default nil ; ((fullscreen . fullheight))
:frame-resize-pixelwise nil
:inhibit-splash-screen t
:allowed t))
The glyph
’s spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :glyph)
and for
GUI mode only. It determines the appearance of glyph
characters such
as CJK, etc., the default encoding of glyph
is UTF-8.
:put :glyph
`(( :name ,(if-platform% darwin
(if-platform% windows-nt
"Courier New"
"DejaVu Sans Mono"))
:size 17
:scale nil
:scripts (greek)
:allowed (when-graphic% t))
( :name ,(if-platform% darwin
(if-platform% windows-nt
"Microsoft YaHei"
"Noto Sans"))
:size 12
:scale nil
:scripts (han)
:allowed nil)))
string of font name:size
integer of font size:scale
list of script symbol for character:allowed
Suppport any SHELL
, copying or spinning environment variables into
Emacs environment.
The shell spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :shell)
:put :shell
`( :copy-vars ("PATH")
:spin-vars nil ; `(("ZZZ" . "123"))
:options nil ; '("-i" "2>/dev/null") ; '("--login")
:exec-path t
:shell-file-name ,(or (executable-find% "zsh")
(executable-find% "bash"))
:prompt ( :bash "\\u@\\h \\W \\$ "
:zsh "%n@%m %1~ %# ")
:allowed nil))
copy environment variables from shell into Emacs environment, that affectseshell
spin customized variables, only affectseshell
a list of shell’s options:exec-path
environment variable toexec-path
where the shell program located:prompt
unify shell prompt interm
mode, via C-c C-j then M-x term-unify-shell-prompt:allowed
The eshell
spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :eshell)
. And
shared the copied environment variables :copy-vars
with shell.
:put :eshell
`( :visual-commands ("mtr")
:destroy-buffer-when-process-dies nil
:visual-subcommands nil ; '(("git" "log"))
:visual-options nil
:allowed nil))
C-h-v eshell-visual-commands:destroy-buffer-when-process-dies
C-h-v eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies:visual-subcommands
C-h-v eshell-visual-subcommands:visual-options
C-h-v eshell-visual-options:allowed
The desktop
spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :desktop)
:put :desktop
`( :files-not-to-save nil ; "\\(\\`/[^/:]*:\\|(ftp)\\'\\)"
:buffers-not-to-save nil ; "\\` "
:modes-not-to-save nil ; (tags-table-mode)
:allowed nil))
C-h-v desktop-files-not-to-save:buffers-not-to-save
C-h-v desktop-buffers-not-to-save:modes-not-to-save
C-h-v desktop-modes-not-to-save:allowed
Using socks proxy when installing packages or browsing web pages.
The socks
spec locate in (*self-env-spec* :get :socks)
:put :socks
`( :port 32000
:server ""
:version 5
:allowed nil))
the port of socks proxy server:server
the address of socks proxy server:version
socks version:allowed
If :allowed t
, url-gateway-method
should be switch to socks
Emacs initializing. After Emacs initialization, you can toggle-socks!
and no matter :allowed
is t
or nil
- toggle external or internal browser: M-x toggle-browser!
- lookup web for symbol, word, etc.,: M-s w
- lookup online dictionaries: M-s d
It’s file-oriented, you can find more simpler and faster way to
implement almost functionalities that use-pacakge
does and more.
:put :module
`( :remove-unused nil
:package-check-signature allow-unsigned
:package-archives nil
(("gnu" . "http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/gnu/")
("nongnu" . "http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/nongnu/")
("melpa-stable" . "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/stable-melpa/")
("melpa" . "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/melpa/")))
:allowed nil))
whether remove the unused packages that be defined indef-self-package-spec
does not check signature when installing packages.:package-archives
if nonnil
should replacepackage-archives
The user defined package spec locate in (*self-mod-spec*)
;;; :common-lisp
:put :common-lisp
`( :cond ,(comment (or (executable-find% "sbcl")
(executable-find% "ecl")
(executable-find% "acl")))
:packages (slime)
:compile (,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-slime.el") t)
,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-slime-autoload.el")))))
;;; :doc
:put :doc
`( :cond nil
:packages (,(when% (executable-find% "gnuplot") 'gnuplot-mode)
,(when-version% <= 24.3 'yasnippet)
;;; :erlang
:put :erlang
`( :cond ,(comment (executable-find% "erlc"))
:packages (erlang)))
;;; :lisp
:put :lisp
`( :cond ,(comment t)
:packages (paredit rainbow-delimiters)
:compile (,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-lisp.el") t)
,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-lisp-autoload.el")))))
;;; :lua
:put :lua
`( :cond ,(comment (executable-find% "lua"))
:packages (lua-mode)))
;;; :org
:put :org
`( :cond ,(comment (executable-find% "latex"))
:packages (auctex cdlatex ,(when-version% <= 25 'ox-reveal))))
;;; :rust
:put :rust
`( :cond ,(comment (and (executable-find% "rustc")
(executable-find% "cargo")))
:packages (rust-mode)
:compile (,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-rust.el") t)
,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-rust-autoload.el")))))
;;; :scheme
:put :scheme
`( :cond ,(comment (and (when-version% <= 23.2 t)
;; Nore Emacs has builtin supports for Chez
;; scheme and gambitC scheme, and does not
;; need to install the dumb geiser.
(or (executable-find% "racket")
(executable-find% "chicken")
(executable-find% "guile"))))
:packages (geiser)
:compile (,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-geiser.el") t)
,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-geiser-autoload.el")))))
;;; :vlang
:put :vlang
`( :cond ,(comment (executable-find% "v"))
:packages (v-mode)))
;;; :vcs
:put :vcs
`( :cond ,(comment (and (when-version% <= 24.4 t)
(executable-find% "git")))
:packages ,(prog1 '(magit)
(set-default 'magit-define-global-key-bindings nil))
:compile (,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-magit.el") t)
,(compile-unit% (emacs-home* "config/use-magit-autoload.el")))))
;;; :web
:put :web
`( :cond nil
:packages (htmlize
,(when-version% <= 25 'restclient)
,(when-version% <= 24.3 'skewer-mode)
;;; :zig
:put :zig
`( :cond ,(comment (executable-find% "zig"))
:packages (zig-mode)))
decide whether to install:packages
and compile:compile
a list of package names or tar file names:compile
when installed packages, a list of files that should be compiled only or be loaded after been compiled
You can use any Elisp
functions after the aboved keywords.
macro checking the version of current Emacs at compile time.executable-find%
macro checking the exising of the executable at compile time.compile-unit%
macro specify the compiling file to compile or compile then load.
Avoiding a war. If whitespace causes some trouble, you can swith to M-x whitespace-mode to find out.
:put :edit
`( :tab-width 2
:narrow-to-region t
:auto-save-default nil
:indent ((sh-basic-offset . 2)
(python-indent-offset . 4))
:disable-indent-tabs-mode (awk-mode
:delete-trailing-whitespace (prog-mode)
:allowed nil))
default C-h-v tab-width:narrow-to-region
C-h-v auto-save-default:disable-indent-tabs-mode
in specified major modes:delete-trailing-whitespace
delete trailing whitespace before save:indent
indent width does not equal:tab-width
Using dired
as a File Manager is awesome, same experiences on
Windows, Darwin and Linux.
For Windows, there are no built-in ls
program, but you can install
GNU’s ls
via Git-Bash.
For Darwin, let dired
don’t do stupid things.
On Windows, if GNU’s find
has already in your disk, and let Windows
stupid find
or findstr
program go away. Don’t setq
on Windows, because dired
can not differ the cases
between local and remote.
Now, on Windows you can use M-x find-dired or M-x find-name-dired
On Windows, there are no builtin zip/unzip
program, but Emacs ship
with minizip
program. Although minizip
without recursive
functionalities, but do some tricks with minizip
, we can zip files
and directories with minizip
, even export org
to odt
OpenDocument. And more 7-Zip standalone command version also be
On Windows, there are logical bugs in dired-aux.el
, We can not using
key compress or uncompress file to or from .gz
or .7z
. The
good news: if gunzip
or 7za
installed we can do it now.
You can using c in dired mode
to *.gz
, *.7z
or *.zip
. For some ancient Emacs24-,
! zip x.zip ? to zip.
It’s headache when default-file-name-coding-system
not equal with
specifically on Windows. Even view archived
file in arc-mode
, will display wrong encoded file names.
On Windows, there are some encoding issues when
not equal locale-coding-system
- display non-unicode encoded directory name or file name;
- insert non-unicode encoded directory;
- compress the files with with
filenames; dired-do-shell-command
The good news is the whole above issues had gone in this kit.
For .rar
archive, emacs really sucks.
- on Emacs 23.3.1, using
function, but on Emacs 26.1 usinglsar
, and those all had been hard coded inarc-mode.el
. 7z l
output is not compatible withlsar
- dired-do-compress-to: zip
- dired-do-compress-to: 7z
- archive-summarize-files: zip
- archive-summarize-files: 7z
- org-odt-export-to-odt
- dired-compress-file-suffixes
New a scratch buffer or switch to the existing one. Nore Emacs supports three scratch modes:
- builtin scratch for general
- org scratch
- tex scratch
Provides the abilities to mark symbol, filename and line in current buffer then you can M-w the marked part.
Using mark-sexp@
default mark whole Lisp sexp or C block at
point. If prefix N is non nil, then forward or backward to sexps
boundary, no like the builtin mark-sexp
do partial.
mark whole quoted things at point and do not care
whatever the mode is.
mark the whole word at point. If prefix N is non nil,
then forward or backward to word boundary, no like the builtin
do partial.
default mark the whole line at point. If prefix N is non
nil, then forward or backward to line boundary.
more stable in variant programming modes than builtin
mark the whole filename or URL.
mark the partial string.
- C-c M-@ mark word at point
- C-c C-M-@ mark sexp at point
- C-M M-h mark defun at point
- C-c M-l mark line at point
- C-c M-f mark filename at point
- C-c M-s
Prefer etags
program, because it works well on varied platforms. In
(emacs-home "config/tags.el")
, there are some handy functions to
create the tags for Elisp
or C
source code, such as
, cc*-make-tags
, mount-tags
, and
Nore Emacs also supports Exuberant Ctags.
Using mount-tags
to mount the specified tags file at first order of
. Or C-u mount-tags to
mount tags file at the tail of tags-table-list
. The unmount-tags
is the inverse of mount-tags
: make tags for Emacs’ C and Lisp source code.make-dir-tags
: make tags for specified directory.cc*-make-system-tags
: make system C tags.
In terminal, Emacs can not copy to or paste from system clipboard when on Darwin or Linux. For such cases, we need external programs to help us do the job. Now, Nore Emacs integrates this functionalities, so we can use natural keys (such as C-w, C-y) to copy to or paste from system clipboard.
There are no uniformed isearch functionalites among in
, isearch-backward
. Now, in Nore Emacs those
functionalites unified to two functions: isearch-forward*
In Nore Emacs, by default, isearch-forward*
and isearch-backward*
same with the built-in ones. Except we can search the text of
activated region. C-s and
C-r will search forward or backward just
like vi’s * does. And more, searching
, quoted string
, or filename
forward or backword.
Emulates vi’s o and O command in Emacs, the built-in one
or split-line
do not indent accordingly the current
line. See Open Next Line.
- C-o
- C-M-o
has stupid behaviors, that why toggle-comment
been made.
: C-x C-;
and kill-sexp@
are frequently editing commands when
Obey the defaults of Emacs’ keymap.
Global for all Emacs’ version.
- M-/
- C-c f f
- C-x x g
- C-x x n
- C-M-o
- C-o
- C-c M-@:
- C-c C-M-@:
- C-c M-h:
- C-c M-l:
- C-c M-f:
- C-c M-s:
- C-s:
- C-r:
- M-s .:
- M-s @:
- M-s f:
- M-s _:
Compatibled for ancient Emacs versions, compatible keys may not avaiabled on ancient Emacs.
- M-. find definition of the identifier at point
- M-, go back to the previous position of the identifier after find the definition
- M-? find references to the identifier at point
- C-l scroll the current line to the middle of the window.
- C-x x l line mode
Featured for non-Emacs’s packages, and may not avaiabled on ancient Emacs.
- C-x v d
could be toggled betweenmagit-status
Change the option modifier or swap control and meta on window system.
:put :key
`( :modifier ,(if-window% mac
'( ; (mac-right-option-modifier . control)
; (mac-right-command-modifier ; . meta)
(mac-option-modifier . meta))
(when-window% ns
'( ; (ns-right-option-modifier . control)
; (ns-right-command-modifier . meta)
(ns-option-modifier . meta))))
:allowed ,(when-graphic% t)))
Just introduce Nore Emacs’ improvements.
Classified compilation
Lisp programming in Emacs already good enough, if ParEdit installed editing Lisp code more easy.
slime is the best tool for Common Lisp programming.
For Scheme programming, there are builtin minor modes: gambit-mode
for Gambit Scheme system, and chez-mode
for Chez Scheme system.
: M-x slime*gambit*
: M-x run-gambit*chez*
: M-x run-chez
Now, we are in the cycle of editing, compiling, debugging.
Change C programming style using C-c ..
And there is a new elegant and practical style: cc*-style-nginx
Like vi’s gf command, you can using
C-c f i to open C system include file on
local or remote in view-mode
and via
M-, to go back. It supports gcc,
clang, and msvc.
On Darwin, you can find correct include path in Man-mode
Mark the code that include a macro call then C-c
C-e, you should see the expansion of the macro in
*Macro Expanded*
, whatever you are using gcc, clang and msvc,
locally or remotely.
Dump compiler predefined macros, C-c #,
you should see the predefined macros in *Macros Predefined*
whatever you are using gcc and clang locally or remotely.
Press M-x compile then:
- Unix-like:
- raw:
cc c.c -oa.out
- make:
- raw:
- Windows:
- raw:
cc-env.bat && cl c.c -Fea.exe
- make:
cc-env.bat && make
- raw:
- Remote:
- raw:
/bin/sh -c "ssh <remote> cc c.c -oa.out"
- raw:
to build.
For msvc there are need tricks to works with Emacs. Nore Emacs will
generate a msvc’s host environment cc-env.bat
for you that make
life easy and if Nore already on your machine, now life is perfect.
lldb and cdb had been perfectly integrated.
Formatting C source code.
C-c C-f
- I. M-x clean-compiled-files then exit and reopen Emacs.
- II. Check Emacs configurations:
- M: system-configuration-options
- M: system-configuration-features
- M: features
- M: load-history
then do
- III. Check
buffer, then doI
. - IV. Check
, then doI
. - V. Disable the problematic item in
, then doI
. - VI. Disable the problematic item in
, then doI
- Emacs Documents
- Motion
- Interaction
- Editing
- Coding system
- Basic sexp commands
- Frame
- Window
- Register
- Bookmark
- Rectangle
- Keyboard Macro
- Dired
- Shell
- Remote
- Sort
- Face
- Log
- LaTeX
It’s self-documenting and great, keep reading it frequently.
- Tutorial: C-h-t
- Emacs manual: C-h r
- Emacs news: C-h C-n
- Emacs FAQ: C-h C-f
- Help for Help: C-h C-h
- Apropos command: C-h a
- Mode: C-h-m see all the key bindings and documentation of current buffer
- Info: C-h i
- Info file: C-u C-h i <where>
- Index of topic: C-h r i
- Function: C-h f display documentation of the given function
- Variable: C-h v display documentation of the given variable
- Keybinding: C-h k display documentation of the function invoked by the given keystrokes
- Keybinding briefly: C-h c, which command for given keystroke
- Prefix keybindings: press prefix keys such as C-c then C-h to see all key bindings for given prefix keystrokes
- Message: C-h e see the logging of echo area message
- Man: M-x man view UNIX manual page
- Woman: M-x woman view UNIX manual page
- Coding system: C-h C describe coding system
- Colors: M-x list-colors-display display names of defined colors and show what they look like
- Syntax: C-h s describe syntax
- Where is command: C-h w which keystrokes binding to a given command
- Keystrokes: C-h l display last 100 input keystrokes
- goto line: M-g g
- goto nth char: M-g c
- goto next error: C-x `
- goto previous error: M-g p
- goto index item M-g i
- jump between buffers: C-x C-SPC, jumps to the global mark acrross buffers
- jump in buffer: C-u C-SPC
- jump to definition: M-.
- pop back to where M-,
- switch to minibuffer M-g M-c
buffer- eval Elisp: M-:
- execute Shell command: M-!
- in Dired mode: !, do shell command
- region as input to Shell command: M-|,
- insert from shell output: C-u M-!
- insert from elisp output: C-u M-:
- find file at point: C-c f f
- filename of current buffer: C-c b n
- lookup web at point: M-s w
- lookup dict at point: M-s d
- display time: M-x display-time
- write file: C-x C-w same as save as
- kill all spaces at point: M-\
- kill all spaces except one at point: M-SPC
- delete indentation to join line to previous line: M-^
- join next line: C-u 1 M-^
- kill word: M-d
- kill whole word: C-x M-d, include the word that current point located.
- kill whole symbol: C-x M-s, include the symbol that current point located.
- kill line: C-k
- kill whole line: C-x M-<backspace>
- query replace: M-%
- upcase region: C-x C-u
- downcase region: C-x C-l
- transpose characters: C-t
- transpose words: M-t
- transpose lines: C-x C-t
- toggle read-only mode: C-x C-q
- toggle input method: C-\
- set input method: C-x RET C-\
- describe current input method: C-h I
- what cursor position: C-x =
- describe char: C-u C-x =
- quoted insert: C-q, such as page break C-q C-l, use C-x [ to backward or C-x ] to forward, C-q C-I to insert horizontal tab, C-q C-J to insert line feed, C-q C-M to insert carriage return
- check unmatched parentheses: M-x check-parens
- tab to space: M-x untabify
- space to tab: M-x tabify
- fill paragraph: M q
- redo: C-x ESC ESC
- redo after undo: C-g and then C-x u
- cancel: C-], or M-x top-level
- open new line before current: C-o
- remove all but one empty line: C-x C-o
- delete entire line: C-S-DEL
- delete to end of sentence: M-k
- insert char: C-x 8 RET
- count lines, words or characters of select region: M-=
- count lines on current page: C-x l
- toggle comment the current line or region: C-x
more better than suckedcomment-line
. - insert or realign comment on current line: M-;
- kill comment on current line: C-u M-;
- indent and continuing comment: C-M-j
- dynamic abbreviation expand: M-/
- add inverse global abbreviation: C-x a i g
- add inverse local abbreviation: C-x a i l
- list abbreviations: M-x list-abbrevs
- edit abbreviations: M-x edit-abbrevs
- write abbreviation file: M-x write-abbrev-file
- flush lines: M-x flush-lines
- insert parentheses: M-(, wrap selection in parentheses
- align region: M-x align-entire
- check current buffer coding system: C-x RET =
- revert current buffer’s coding system: C-x RET r
- specify coding system for the current buffer: C-x RET f
- specify coding system for terminal output: C-x RET t
- specify coding system for keyboard input: C-x RET k
- specify coding system for the immediately following command: C-x RET c
- specify input and output coding systems for subprocess: C-x RET p
- specify coding system for transferring selections to and from other programs through the window system: C-x RET x
- specify coding system for transferring one selection to or from the window system: C-x RET X
: C-M-fbackward-sexp
: C-M-bkill-sexp
: C-M-k, delete forward one sexptranspose-sexp
: C-M-tbackward-up-list
: C-M-u, move up out of an sexpdown-list
: C-M-d, move down into a nested sexpbackward-list
: C-M-p, match parentheses backwardpp-eval-last-sexp
: pretty print
- find file other frame: C-x 5 C-f, or C-x 5 f
- display buffer other frame: C-x 5 C-o, or C-x 5 b
- find tag other frame: C-x 5 .
- delete frame: C-x 5 0
- delete other frames: C-x 5 1
- make frame command: C-x 5 2
- dired to other frame: C-x 5 d
- other frame: C-x 5 o
- find file read only other frame: C-x 5 r
- find file: C-x C-f
- view file: C-x C-v
- write file: C-x C-w
- save current buffer: C-x s
- save all modified buffers: C-u C-x s
- save and backup current buffer: C-x C-s
- kill a buffer: C-x k
- other window: C-x o
- dired other window: C-x 4 d
- find file in other window: C-x 4 C-f, or C-x 4 f
- display buffer: C-x 4 C-o, display the buffer in another window
- find tag other window: C-x 4 .
- kill buffer and window: C-x 4 0, just like C-x 0 except kill the buffer
- switch to buffer other window: C-x 4 b
- clone indirect buffer other window: C-x 4 c, clone the buffer in another window
- recenter the screen at cursor: C-l
- center the screen at the top: C-u 0 C-l
- recenter the screen at the bottom: C-u - C-l
- store window configuration to register: C-x r w <REG>, but the configuration cannot accross sessions.
- store frame configuration to register: C-x r f <REG>
- store region into register: C-x r s <REG>
- store current point in register: C-x r SPC <REG>
- jump to register: C-x r j <REG>
- insert from register: C-x r i <REG>
- view the content of register: M-x view-register <REG>
- list the content of register: M-x list-register <REG>
Unlike registers, bookmarks have long names, and they persist automatically from one Emacs session to the next.
- set bookmark: C-x r m
- set named bookmark: C-x r m BOOKMARK
- jump to bookmark: C-x r b BOOKMARK
- list all bookmarks: C-x r l
- save bookmark to file: M-x bookmark-save
- kill rectangle: C-x r k
- delete rectangle: C-x r d
- yank rectangle: C-x r y
- open rectangle: C-x r o, insert blank space to fill the space of the region-rectangle
- copy rectangle: C-x r M-w
- clear rectangle: C-x r c
- replace rectangle: C-x r t
- string insert rectangle: C-x r g
- numbers insert rectangle: C-x r N
- select entire buffer: C-x h
- select page: C-x C-p
- exchange cursor position and mark: C-x C-x
- start recording macro: C-x (
- stop recording macro: C-x )
- playback macro: C-x e
- apply macro to region: C-x C-k r
- edit last marcro: C-x C-k RET
- bind the most recent macro to a key: C-x C-k b [1-9A-Z]
- hide details: (
- change marks: * c
- toggle readonly: C-x C-q
- finish edit: C-c C-c
- abort editing: C-c C-k
- echo current directory: W
- hex edit file: @html:<kbd>@@b
- find regexp recusive: A
- replace regexp recusive: Q
- regexp builder: M-x regexp-builder
- EShell: M-x eshell
- Shell: M-x shell
- Ansi-Term: M-x ansi-term
- interrupt process in
: C-c C-c - interrupt process in
: C-c C-c - interrupt process in
: C-x C-c
It’s the duty of TRAMP.
- non-sudo: C-x C-f
/ssh:user@host:/path/to/file, such as
in .ssh/config entries. - sudo remote: C-x C-f /ssh:user|sudo::/path/to/file
- sudo localhost: C-x C-f /sudo::/path/to/file
- eshell remote: cd /ssh:user@host:/path/to/file
- on Windows use
: use/sshx:
instead, such as /sshx:user@host:/path/to/file
- sort fields: C-c s f by Nth field
- sort numeric fields: C-c s n by Nth numeric field
- sort lines: C-c s l
- sort regexp fields: C-c s x by regexp field
- reverse region: C-c s r
- delete duplicated lines: C-c s d
- describe the face at point: M-x describe-face
- reset face height: C-x C-0
- increase face height: C-x C-=
- decrease face height: C-x C--
tail -f
: M-x auto-revert-tail-mode- toggle highlighting of the current line: M-x hl-line-mode
- highlight all lines matching a regexp: M-s h l, and M-s h u to unhighlight.
- narrow region: C-x n n
- widen region: C-x n w
- texlive-latex-recommented
- texlive-xetex: optional for CJK
- texlive-lang-cjk: optional for CJK
- ImageMagick: optional for embedded LaTex in Org mode
- texlab: optional for LaTex Language Server Protocol
- aspell
- aspell-dict-en
If you have issues, just post it.