released this
28 Mar 11:43
1.88.0 (2025-03-28)
Bug Fixes
add agents tools in prompt (60bb67e )
add conditions to check if naas_api_key is set (e78ac33 )
add conditions to get agents (7488a3b )
error system prompt not set (33c47d7 )
remove worklows and pipeline not used (2583ba9 )
update import path (7d29d89 )
update naas integration path (022b338 )
wrong path mapping (711c8ce )
wrong path to get conso ontologies (9d65535 )
add github integration to support (fc05ac9 )
add individuals to ontology (d87b07e )
add naas module in core (8fc8777 )
add Naas module to core (a48930f )
add ontology module v0 (f66f6f4 )
add script to conso ontologies (c60ac8c )
create workflow to update ontology YAML trigger when individual is created (50dba23 )
init human resources module (95b3c25 )
init ontology module (a5184e0 )
make chat-ontology-agent (1e6394c )
search class, individuals, get all individuals (8968cc0 )
setup workflows & pipelines to ontology agent for testing (f5659ee )
v0.1 ontology module (1b1d885 )
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