This project contains the files for generating an Android app (using WebView) for the GitHub project mtap, a repository of sample MTAP reviewers and past exams. (One can use Android Studio for generating the APK.)
Click at the following link to download the Android app: AdrMTAP-v.1.0.0-pre-release.apk
The site contained in the app is in the assets
folder of this repository and was rendered using Rmarkdown.
Many thanks to MTAP Reviewer for information on item types; the W3C Consortium for HTML; Brendan Eich for Javascript; Brian Fox for Bash; Ross Ihaka, Robert Gentleman, the rest of the R Core Team, and CRAN for the R software; Rstudio, Inc. for Rstudio; J.J. Allaire, Yihui Xie, et al. for Rmarkdown and its site-rendering capabilities; Google for the Android OS and Android Studio. Ditto to Machtelt Garrels for the book Bash Guide for Beginners, Vivek Gite for the book Linux Script Shell Tutorial, and Steve Parker for the Unix/Linux Shell Cheatsheet. Much thanks, too, to the Linux Mint Project for the Linux Mint Cinnamon 18.2 (Sonya) GNU/Linux OS, and GitHub for its generosity in providing space for this project.
mtapR-src by Justine Leon A. Uro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at