FontForge Python script for converting a list of SVG files into CSS web font for use as icons.
Each SVG file will be interpreted as representing a single character with the file name (without extension) becoming a CSS class with a custom ("ico-" by default) prefix. The SVG files do not need to be structured in any specific way.
Script generates a CSS file and two font files in WOFF and WOFF 2.0 formats that need to be uploaded to the web server's public directory. To use the fonts as icons the CSS file needs to be included. Sample icon HTML tag format:
<i class="ico ico-settings"></i>
By default the script generates also a preview HTML file that lists all of the icons. Preview file for the three sample Feather Icon (, icons included in the repository:
- Install FontForge (consider donation ).
- Add "bin" directory (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\FontForgeBuilds\bin") of FontForge installation to system path (optional).
- Download this repository and extract to some directory.
- Replace the three sample Feather Icon (, SVG files in "src" directory with the final list of SVG files, each file representing a single character. Files must have ".svg" extension. File name (without extensions) will be used as the name of the CSS class for the specific character.
- Delete the sample CSS and font files from "dist/css" and "dist/font" directories.
- Run the script from command line with the following command (optional arguments listed below):
fontforge --script
- Copy the directories with generated files under "dist" directory to the public dictory of your web server.
- Include the css file into your HTML files:
<link href="/css/font.css" rel="stylesheet">
Note that by default the css file expected the font files to be located under "fonts" subdirectory of it's parent directory (../fonts/.) - The HTML tag format for using the icon within the web page is:
<i class="ico ico-settings"></i>
The following arguments can be passed after the --script
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-st START, --start START
Unicode index in hexadecimal form to start from, default: 'EA01'
-src SRCDIR, --srcdir SRCDIR
path to the directory with SVG files, default: './src/'
CSS font family name, default: 'Icon Font'
name for the generic CSS class shared by all element instances, default: 'ico'
prefix for the individual font CSS classes, default: 'ico-'
-csc CSSFILE, --cssfile CSSFILE
path to the generated CSS file, default: './dist/css/font.css'
-w1 WOFF1FILE, --woff1file WOFF1FILE
path to the generated WOFF v1 file, must have '.woff' extension, default:
-w2 WOFF2FILE, --woff2file WOFF2FILE
path to the generated WOFF v2 file, must have '.woff2' extension, default:
-htm HTMLFILE, --htmlfile HTMLFILE
path to an HTML preview file listing all characters, default:
default font size for HTML preview file, default: '24px'
-cfp CSS2FONTPATH, --css2fontpath CSS2FONTPATH
override relative path from CSS file to the font files; if empty then will be
calculated based on output file paths; pass './' to override to same directory
-upm UPMSIZE, --upmsize UPMSIZE
units per em, default 1000
-asc ASCENT, --ascent ASCENT
ascent size (distance from baseline to top), default 800
-des DESCENT, --descent DESCENT
descent size (distance from baseline to bottom), default 200
-sc SCALE, --scale SCALE
how to scale the SVG view-box, can be 'in_em','over_em', 'in_ascent', 'over_ascent',
'no' or a float scale factor number, default: 'in_em'
-ha HALIGN, --halign HALIGN
how to align the scaled SVG view-box relative to advance width horizontally, can
be 'center','left','right' or a number interpreted as a center in font units,
default: 'center'
-va VALIGN, --valign VALIGN
how to align the scaled SVG view-box vertically, can be 'ascent_center',
'ascdesc_center','baseline','descent' or a number interpreted as a center in
font units, default: 'ascdesc_center'
-x XMOVE, --xmove XMOVE
by how many units to move the scaled and aligned SVG view-box horizontally,
default: 0
-y YMOVE, --ymove YMOVE
by how many units to move the scaled and aligned SVG view-box vertically,
default: 0
-min MINWIDTH, --minwidth MINWIDTH
minimal advance width (how much space the font uses horizontally) in font units,
besides a number can be 'auto' to match the outline (drawing) width or 'em',
default 'em'
-max MAXWIDTH, --maxwidth MAXWIDTH
maximal advance width (how much space the font uses horizontally) in font units,
besides a number can be 'auto' to match the outline (drawing) width or 'em',
default 'auto'
separation width in font units between characters, default 0
path to a JSON configuration file for overriding parameter values for individual
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
JSON configuration text for overriding parameter values for individual glyphs
-d, --debug print additional information (e.g. size of each character in font units) helpful
for debugging and tuning the font
The following call will generate all files in the same (current) directory with the generic CSS class named "ff" and all icon CSS classes having "ff-" prefix:
fontforge --script --fontfamily "Feather Icons" --cssfile "feather-icons.css" --woff1file "feather-icons.woff" --woff2file "feather-icons.woff2" --htmlfile "preview.html" --gencssclass "ff" --cssclassprefix "ff-"