Core Kaia plugin providing essential services, actions for token operations and wallet management.
The Kaia plugin provides comprehensive functionality for interacting with Kaia Mainnet and Kairos testnet, including native token transfers, fetching FTs/NFTs and faucet test tokens on Kaia networks.
- Transfer KAIA tokens between wallets
- Query wallet balances and KAIA price values
- Manage wallet interactions with Kaia network
- Block and Transaction Information
Plugins can access environment variables and secrets in two ways:
Get your Kaiascan API key from KaiaScan
Character Configuration: Through
or character settings in eliza:{ "name": "MyAgent", "settings": { "secrets": { "KAIA_KAIASCAN_API_KEY": "your-kaiascan-api-key", "KAIA_EVM_PRIVATE_KEY": "your-evm-private-key", "KAIA_FAUCET_AMOUNT": "amount-in-kaia" } } }
Runtime Access: Plugins can access their configuration through the runtime:
class MyPlugin implements Plugin { async initialize(runtime: AgentRuntime) { const kaiascanApiKey = runtime.getSetting("KAIA_KAIASCAN_API_KEY"); const privateKey = runtime.getSetting("KAIA_EVM_PRIVATE_KEY"); const faucetAmount = runtime.getSetting("KAIA_FAUCET_AMOUNT"); } }
The getSetting
method follows this precedence:
- Character settings secrets
- Character settings
- Global settings
Add it to your agent's character configuration:
"name": "MyAgent",
"plugins": [
cd eliza
pnpm install
npx elizaos plugins install @elizaos-plugins/plugin-kaia # Will install plugin package
pnpm build
pnpm start --character="./characters/kaiaagent.character.json"
Receives Kaia Price, Supply and Volume:
// Example conversation
User: "give me kaia information";
Assistant: "Kaia Token info is USD: 0.14, Total Supply: 5936109217, Volume: 63994146";
Receives Kaia Testnet tokens for given address:
// Example conversation
User: "give me some test tokens to 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d";
Assistant: "I'll send few KAIA testnet tokens...";
Transfer KAIA tokens to another address for provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "Send 1 KAIA to 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d on kairos";
Assistant: "I'll send 1 KAIA token now...";
Query account overview for given address for provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What's my account overview of 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d on kairos?";
Assistant: "Your account overview details are Account Type: EOA, Balance: 10, Total Transaction Count: 12";
Query current balance and portfolio value for provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What's my current balance of 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d on kairos?";
Assistant: "Your balance contains 12 KAIA";
Query fungible token balances for given address on provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What's ft balance of 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d on kaia?";
Assistant: "Your have total 5 FTs";
Query non fungible token balances for given address on provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What's nft balance of 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d on kaia?";
Assistant: "Your have total 2 NFT Collections";
Query block info for provided Block number on provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What's block info for 100000 block number on kaia?";
Assistant: "Block info for 100000 is Block Time: 2019-06-26, Block Hash: 0xc..., Total Transaction Count: 0";
Query Latest block on provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What is the latest block number of kaia?";
Assistant: "The latest block number for kaia is 176629207";
Query transactions list by account on provided network(kaia/kairos):
// Example conversation
User: "What are the transactions for 0xcfcb1dc1efbbccbb6a9afc78c12315d64e8c383d on kairos?";
Assistant: "The transactions for account is empty";
: Fetch Kairos tokens to provided addressGET_ACCOUNT_OVERVIEW
: Get the Account Overview for a given addressGET_CURRENT_BALANCE
: Get the current balance for a given addressGET_FT_BALANCE_DETAILS
: Get the Fungible Balance for a given addressGET_NFT_BALANCE
: Get the NFT balance for a given addressTRANSFER
: Transfer tokens between addresses on the same chainGET_KAIA_INFO
: Get the current price and volume of Kaia TokenGET_BLOCK
: Get the block info for a given block numberGET_LATEST_BLOCK
: Get the latest block number for a given network (kaia/kairos)GET_BLOCK
: Get the block info for a given block numberGET_TRANSACTIONS_BY_ACCOUNT
: Get the transactions by account
Variable | Description | Required |
KAIA_KAIASCAN_API_KEY | Your KaiaScan API key | Yes |
KAIA_FAUCET_AMOUNT | Test Tokens amount to distribute to users (Defaults to 1 KAIA) | Yes |
KAIA_EVM_PRIVATE_KEY | Your Private key | Yes |
: Manages wallet interactions with the Kaia network, including balance queries and on-chain transactions
pnpm install
pnpm build
: JS library to interact with Kaia EVM Blockchainnode-cache
: Caching implementation- Other standard dependencies listed in package.json
The following features and improvements are planned for future releases:
Wallet Integration
- Account abstraction
- Transaction history tracking
Smart Contract Features
- Contract deployment tools
- Testing framework
- Security analysis
Token Operations
- Batch token transfers
- NFT support enhancement
- Token metadata handling
- Custom token standards
- Collection management
- Integration with Bridges and Oracle services
Developer Tools
- Enhanced debugging
- CLI improvements
- Documentation generator
- Integration templates
- Performance monitoring
Transaction Management
- Batch transaction processing
- Transaction simulation
- Custom transaction builders
We welcome community feedback and contributions to help prioritize these enhancements.
For more information about Kaia blockchain capabilities:
This plugin is part of the Eliza project. See the main project repository for license information.