An application that allows users to see local events that follow COVID-19 precautions, and allows users to post reviews of local businesses regarding their COVID-19 safety practices. When registered and signed in, the user can create events, as well as write reviews about local businesses. All events and reviews are published to the dashboard, where the user can see a brief overview of each event, as well as click on the event name to see additional details.
- JavaScript
- Express
- Handlebars
- JQuery
- Allows users to create events and add the event type, location, and COVID-19 precautions, in addition to the name, description, and date
- Includes a review page where event attendees can review local businesses
- Features a dashboard that displays all upcoming events and a summary of those events, as well as reviews
- Provides users with the ability to update their account information
To view events and reviews, you must first register for an account by clicking on the Register button in the upper righthand corner of the page. After filling out all of the required information, click on the Login button and enter your username and password. After doing so, navigate to the Home page. Once on the home page, click on the name of the event that you are interested in. Upon clicking on the event, you will be able to see all of the event details, including a map with the location. To return to the Home page, scroll to the bottom of the event details and click on the Back To Home button.
To create an event, register for an account and then log in to your account. Once logged in, you will be able to create an event by clicking on the My Events button. On that page you will need to at very least enter the event name and description. There are also optional fields, which include date, time, location, type, and COVID-19 safety guidelines. Upon filling out the desired fields, click on the submit button. Your event will now be visible at the bottom of the My Events page and will also appear on the Home page.
To delete an event, you will need to log into the account under which your event has been published. After logging in, navigate to the My Events page. At the bottom the page all events that you have created under that account will be listed under "Events belonging to you:". Click on the X to the right of the name of the event that you would like to delete. After doing so, the event will be removed from the My Events page, as well as the Home page.
To review a business, log into your account, then click on the My Reviews button. Once there, you will be required to enter the business name and fill out the Review field. You will also have the option to enter the location and business type. After completing your review, click Submit. Once submitted, your review will appear at the bottom of the My Reviews page.
To delete a review, log into the account under which the review was posted. Once logged in, navigate to the My Reviews page and scroll to the bottom of the page. Under "Reviews that belong to this user:" will be a list of all the reviews that you have posted. Click on the X to the right of the name of the review that you would like to delete. Doing so will remove the review from your My Reviews page.
To update your profile, log in to your account, then select the My Profile button. On that page you will have the option to update your first name, last name, email, and password.
To delete your account, log in to your account and click on the My Profile option. Once there, you will see the option to delete your account. Click on the Delete button to close your account. Upon deleting your account, all reviews and events created under your account will be removed.
To log out of your account, select the Logout option in the upper righthand corner. Upon logging out, you will still be able to see events on the Home page, but you will not be able to create events, post reviews, or edit your account.
- Link to application: EventSafe
Collin Wilson:
- Email:
- GitHub:
Garrett Dobson:
- Email:
- GitHub:
Kassi Stumb
- Email:
- GitHub:
Kasey Jones:
- Email:
- GitHub: