- All information provided in this project is for educational purposes only and can not be used for law violation or personal gain.
- The authors of this project are not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this project.
- All information in this repository is intended for development of audit tools and help preventing the hack attacks.
- We believe only in ethical hacking.
The goLazagne is an open source library for golang used to retrieve passwords stored on local computer.
Inspired by AlessandroZ LaZagne project.
go get github.com/kerbyj/goLazagne
package main
import (
func main() {
var credentials, _ = goLazagne.ExtractAllData()
println("Browser creds:", len(credentials.BrowserData))
println("Credman creds:", len(credentials.CredmanData))
println("Wifi creds:", len(credentials.WifiData))
println("\nEnumerating filesystem. Please wait")
var interestingFiles = []string{
var files = goLazagne.ExtractInterestingFiles(interestingFiles)
for fileN := range files {
If you want to compile this project on Linux system:
apt install gcc-multilib
apt install gcc-mingw-w64
CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -buildmode=exe
- Chromium-based
- Mozilla Firefox
- Internet Explorer and Edge
- Thunderbird
- [TBD] Outlook
- Credential Manager
SysAdmin tools (pre alpha, need more tests)
- Mobaxterm - user, host:port and associated key
- Putty - user, host:port and associated key
- Filezilla - user, host:port and password (encrypted if master password isset)
- Openssh
WiFi passwords
- Rewrite Mozilla extractor
- WPA2 Enterprise. The main difficulty is that we need an privilege escalation. Read more in zc00l research.
- Windows vault
- Full outlook support
- Git
- Nikolay Edigaryev for credman module