Jiraffe is a Mac app which generates alerts whenever a given Jira filter is updated.
Create a folder called Jiraffe, and download all project files there.
Create a file called "jiraffe.json" somewhere, which should have the following format:
"filters": [
"name": "Request",
"url": "https://yourjiraserver.com/rest/api/2/search?jql=filter=11053",
"replied": false,
"reply": {"total": 0, "issues": []},
"prevReply": {"total": 0, "issues": []}
Create a file called "jiraffe_acc.json" somewhere, which should have the following format:
"accounts": [
"webAlias": "Jira",
"url": "https://yourjiraserver.com",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"apiKey": "api_key",
"projects": [
You need to fill the password field for basic authentication of on-premise servers and the apiKey field for API based access of Jira Cloud. More info for API key generation can be found here: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
Edit Jiraffe/JiraReader.swift so that JIRAFFE_CONFIG and ACC_CONFIG point to these configuration files.
If you want to change the Jira check frequency, you can edit Jiraffe/Model.swift - schedule().
Build the project using XCode. If the build is successful, all you need to do is to start Jiraffe.app. Voila!
Keep the app in the dock. It will generate badges whenever new Jira issues appear in the filters provided.