A simple tool that can be use to extract usful information from a nmap scan
This tool is a simple utility that can be used to extract information from a simple text-based nmap report (-oN).
Currently, the script permits to isolate various info on services scanned, and to auto generate additional input files for other tools, like dirb, nikto or sslscan.
To install, just download the repo and execute the install.sh
file. The tool can also be run from the directory, with minor mods.
git clone git@github.com:klezVirus/nmap-report.git
cd ./nmap-report
chmod +x *.sh
The tool is very simple to use, as observable from the help:
[*] Usage:
[*] /usr/local/bin/nmap-report.sh [-r] [-n|-e] [-d] <NMAP-FILE>
-r: Build a reusable version of the report
-n: Build target files for dirb nikto whatweb sslscan iker yawast
-e: Executes dirb nikto whatweb sslscan iker yawast [implies -n]
-d: Show debug messages
Feel free to open an issue if anything is not working properly.