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This project implements a RL based PID tuning system for motor position control using an ESP32 microcontroller. It leverages micro-ROS with ROS2 ecosystems, allowing real-time PID tuning and motor control through ROS2 action servers.


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RL PID Controller for Encoder Motor

This repository contains a Reinforcement learning-based PID controller for an encoder motor, utilizing ROS2 and Micro-ROS as middleware. The project aims to optimize the PID parameters using Reinforcement learning to improve motor control performance.

Table of Contents


The project implements a PID controller enhanced with reinforcement learning techniques to dynamically adjust the PID parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd) for an encoder motor. The controller is designed to work with ROS2 and Micro-ROS, facilitating communication with embedded devices like the ESP32.


  • Reinforcement Learning: Utilizes various RL algorithms to adapt PID parameters based on motor feedback.
  • ROS2 Integration: Leverages ROS2 Actions for communication and control.
  • Micro-ROS Support: Compatible with Micro-ROS for embedded systems (Tested on ESP32)


the project requires pytorch which can be installed using pip or conda package manager to use locally. alternatively you can use this prebuilt docker image with ros2 and pytorch inside conda venv.

follow the instructions given in the robostack website carefully, all the dependencies of ros2 must be installed inside the virtual env as given in the instructions.



follow this instructions to install the package locally on conda venv or simply use the docker image

  1. Clone the repository:

    mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src && cd ~/ros2_ws/src
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies: Ensure you have ROS2 installed inside conda - mamba virtual env to use pytorch or You can follow the official installation guides for ROS2 if you dont want use the deep learning models for this project. (need to modify the main script to not use pytorch).

  3. Build the package:

    cd ~/ros2_ws
    colcon build 

    Micro-ros server

    follow these instructions to install this package inside micro_ros_arduino library.

  4. Clone the Microros library for arduino: Select the suitable branch based on your ROS2 distro.

    cd ~
    git clone -b $ROS_DISTRO
  5. Clone the repository of the interfaces:

    #the package should be placed inside the folder below
    cd ~/micro_ros_arduino/extras/library_generation/extra_packages
    git clone
  6. Building the library for Arduino IDE: building this custom library requires Docker, make sure you have installed it properly and the daemon is running.

    cd ~/micro_ros_arduino
    #pulling the docker image
    docker pull microros/micro_ros_static_library_builder:jazzy #use your ROS2 distro
    #building the custom microros library for arduino IDE
    docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project --env MICROROS_LIBRARY_FOLDER=extras microros/micro_ros_static_library_builder:jazzy -p esp32
  7. adding the pre-compiled library to Arduino libraries folder:

    #make sure you installed Arduino IDE and required packages for esp32 board
    mkdir -p ~/Arduino/libraries/micro_ros_arduino
    #copy the contents of the compiled library to Arduino library folder
    rsync -av --exclude=".*" ~/micro_ros_arduino/.  ~/Arduino/libraries/micro_ros_arduino/.
    #note: don't update the library using Arduino libraries manager, since it will replace the custom packages with default.
  8. Setting-up Micro-ROS-agent for Microros communication: You can follow this instructions for setting up the micro-ros-agent locally or

you can always use the ready to deploy Docker image for micro-ros-agent

   # udp4 micro-ROS Agent, make sure you have used the right ROS_DISTRO
   docker run -it --rm -v /dev:/dev --privileged --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:jazzy udp4 -p 8888 


ROS2 Client node

  1. Run the ROS2 node:

    #assuming the package is in ros2_ws, source the setup
    source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
    #for actions client
    ros2 run rl_pid_uros pid_tuner
    #for service client
    ros2 run rl_pid_uros pid_tuner_service
    #for launching action client and Micro-ros-agent (if installed locally)
    ros2 launch rl_pid_uros rl_action
    #for launching service client and Micro-ros-agent (if installed locally)
    ros2 launch rl_pid_uros rl_service
    #select the agent from the options and the server node for running the server.

Server Node (ROS2 or Micro-ROS)

for the server node , we have two options - either you can run the server in a Raspberry-pi using ROS2 or Micro-ROS with ESP32. (Micro-ros uses MicroXRCEdds agent as middle ware for communications, which has an issue of deserialization while running a action server, so it is recommended to use service server instead )

For running the server inside a raspberry-pi follow this repo for more details.

Configure the ESP32: use the rl_pid_actions_wifi_udp.ino for actions server and rl_pid_server.ino for service server files inside the uros/arduino_ide_esp32 folder for server node. compile and upload the code. make sure you have replaced the following parameters with your own.

   const char *ssid = "Your_SSID";
   const char *password = "Your_Password";
   const char *agent_ip = "Your_Computer_IP";
   const int agent_port = 8888;
- the Micro-ros action server has an issue of deserialization of goal messages while transporting, so its unusable until its fixed
+ you can use the raspberry pi server instead


1.PID Parameters: Initial PID values are set in main scripts files. Adjust kp, ki, and kd as needed.

2.Q-learning Parameters: Modify alpha, gamma, and epsilon to tune the learning behavior.

Other Potential use cases

This method can be easily implemented on a more complex systems that use PID Controller as a primary control system, such as quadrotor UAVs.


Contributions to this repository are welcome. Please feel free to submit pull requests for bug fixes, new features, or improvements to the documentation. This repo is under developement, and needs some work and fine tuning.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This project implements a RL based PID tuning system for motor position control using an ESP32 microcontroller. It leverages micro-ROS with ROS2 ecosystems, allowing real-time PID tuning and motor control through ROS2 action servers.








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