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Koofr Vault is an open-source, client-side encrypted folder for your Koofr cloud storage offering an extra layer of security for your most sensitive files.


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Koofr Vault

Koofr Vault

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Koofr Vault is an open-source, client-side encrypted folder for your Koofr cloud storage offering an extra layer of security for your most sensitive files. The encryption is compatible with rclone.

Get it on F-Droid Get it on the App Store Get it on Google Play

Tech stack

Koofr Vault is divided into two parts: the engine and the UI. The engine, made up of vault-core and vault-wasm, is written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly. The UI, vault-web, is written in React and uses Vite for frontend tooling. There is no server component; Koofr Vault only uses the public Koofr REST API.

Build and run locally

The easiest way to run Koofr Vault locally is to build and run it with Docker. This will compile the app and build a Docker image using Caddy web server.

docker build --build-arg GIT_REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) -t vault .

docker run --rm -p 5173:5173 vault

You can now open http://localhost:5173 in your browser.

Build static files

Alternatively, you can build static files, which will produce vault-web.tar.gz file with the static files:

docker build --build-arg GIT_REVISION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) --build-arg GIT_RELEASE=$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2> /dev/null || echo -n '') --target static-stage -t vault-static .

docker run --rm vault-static cat vault-web.tar.gz > vault-web.tar.gz


For development instructions, see the vault-wasm README and vault-web README.


Creating a new release

Push all changes to GitHub and make sure that GitHub Actions pass.

Bump vault-android and vault-ios versions:


-        versionCode = 112001
-        versionName = "0.1.12"
+        versionCode = 113001
+        versionName = "0.1.13"


-				MARKETING_VERSION = 0.1.12;
+				MARKETING_VERSION = 0.1.13;
-				MARKETING_VERSION = 0.1.12;
+				MARKETING_VERSION = 0.1.13;

Add changes and commit, but do not push yet:

git add vault-android/app/build.gradle.kts vault-ios/Vault.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
git commit -m 'Bump version'

Create a new tag:

git tag v0.1.13

Build and upload vault-android:

cd vault-android
source .profile
./gradlew clean
./gradlew generateUniFFIBindings
./gradlew cargoBuild
./gradlew bundleRelease

Create a new Internal testing release in Google Play Console and upload the file vault-android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab. Then Promote release to Production. Send the changes for review. Managed publishing is used so that the reviewed changes will need to be published manually.

Build and upload vault-ios:

  • open vault-ios/Vault.xcodeproj in Xcode
  • Product > Archive
  • in Organizer > Archives select the latest Archive and click Distribute app
  • select TestFlight & App Store and click Distribute

In App Store Connect wait for the build to be processed. This can take 15 minutes or more so be patient if the latest version does not yet appear between the builds.

When the build is processed, go to TestFlight and add the build to External testing. If the build is not pushed to TestFlight, App Store reviewers might not use the latest version and the review might get rejected.

Go to Distribution and create a new iOS app version. Select the build and send changes for review. The latest version will be released manually. Wait a few hours for the review to be completed.

If any review gets rejected, remove the Git tag (git tag --delete v0.1.13), reset the Bump version commit (git reset --hard HEAD~1) and start over.

When the Google Play and App Store reviews are successfully completed, push the main branch and the Git tag:

git push origin main v0.1.13

Wait for GitHub Actions to succeed.

Go to GitHub Releases, edit the generated release description, and Publish the release.

Go to Google Play Publishing overview and Publish the changes.

Go to App Store Connect and Release the version.

Deploy the latest GitHub Release to


Koofr Vault is built using GitHub Actions and published as a GitHub Release. You can download a release .tar.gz file and run it locally, or use the extracted files from the release to verify what is serving. The current deployed Git revision can be found at


mkdir koofr-vault-check
cd koofr-vault-check


tar xf vault-web.tar.gz


for path in $(tar tf vault-web.tar.gz | grep -v './$' | sort); do
  local=$(sha256sum "$path" | awk '{print $1}')
  remote=$(curl -s "${path:2}" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')
  if [ "$local" = "$remote" ]; then
    echo "$path OK"
    echo "$path MISMATCH (local $local remote $remote)"

if [ "$allok" = "true" ]; then
  echo "OK"
  echo "MISMATCH"


If you have a bug report, please send the report to If you are considering contributing to the Koofr Vault code, please contact us in order to discuss your intended contribution first, as we can not afford the effort to review arbitrary contributions at the moment.

Authors and acknowledgement

Koofr Vault was developed and designed by the Koofr team.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to rclone for their encryption implementation.


Koofr Vault is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Koofr Vault is an open-source, client-side encrypted folder for your Koofr cloud storage offering an extra layer of security for your most sensitive files.







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