Easy REPL in Vim.
Launch repl.
:Replica [command-name]
You can also use if_xxx
in replica buffer as following.
:ReplicaInternal [if_xxx-name]
With dein.vim
Write following code to your .vimrc
and execute :call dein#install()
your Vim.
call dein#add('koturn/vim-replica', {
\ 'on_cmd': [
\ 'Replica',
\ 'ReplicaInternal'
\ ]
With NeoBundle
Write following code to your .vimrc
and execute :NeoBundleInstall
in your
NeoBundle 'koturn/vim-replica'
If you want to use :NeoBundleLazy
, write following code in your .vimrc.
NeoBundle 'koturn/vim-replica', {
\ 'on_cmd': [
\ 'Replica',
\ 'ReplicaInternal'
\ ]
With Vundle
Write following code to your .vimrc
and execute :PluginInstall
in your Vim.
Plugin 'koturn/vim-replica'
With vim-plug
Write following code to your .vimrc
and execute :PlugInstall
in your Vim.
Plug 'koturn/vim-replica'
With vim-pathogen
Clone this repository to the package directory of pathogen.
$ git clone https://github.com/koturn/vim-replica.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-replica
In the first, clone this repository to the package directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/koturn/vim-replica.git ~/.vim/pack/koturn/opt/vim-replica
Second, add following code to your .vimrc
packadd vim-replica
If you don't want to use plugin manager, put files and directories on
, or %HOME%/vimfiles/
on Windows.
Vim 8 job.
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.