A collection of convenient python tools for cryoDRGN.
cryoDRGN: http://cb.csail.mit.edu/cb/cryodrgn
Poetry: https://python-poetry.org
> git clone https://github.com/kttn8769/cryodrgn_utils.git
> cd cryodrgn_utils
# This creates a virtual environment for cryodrgn_utils.
> poetry install
# This launches a new shell session, where cryodrgn_utils' commands are available.
> poetry shell
A pip package is in preparation.
All the commands (cryodrgn_utils_*) display help messages when invoked with a --help option.
Creates 2D scatter plot figures and (optionally) a combined gif movie of latent variables generated by cryoDRGN train_vae. Check how the latent variables are getting organized during the cryoDRGN model training.
This program internally performs PCA on the last epoch's latent variables, then plot the PC1 and PC2 of the each epoch's latent variables.
# Change directory to a cryoDRGN result directory.
> cd 27_vae128_zdim10_seed1
# Typical contents. z.*.pkl files are the latent variables after each epoch's training.
> ls
config.pkl weights.11.pkl weights.16.pkl weights.3.pkl weights.8.pkl z.10.pkl z.15.pkl z.2.pkl z.7.pkl
run.log weights.12.pkl weights.17.pkl weights.4.pkl weights.9.pkl z.11.pkl z.16.pkl z.3.pkl z.8.pkl
weights.0.pkl weights.13.pkl weights.18.pkl weights.5.pkl weights.pkl z.12.pkl z.17.pkl z.4.pkl z.9.pkl
weights.1.pkl weights.14.pkl weights.19.pkl weights.6.pkl z.0.pkl z.13.pkl z.18.pkl z.5.pkl z.pkl
weights.10.pkl weights.15.pkl weights.2.pkl weights.7.pkl z.1.pkl z.14.pkl z.19.pkl z.6.pkl
# List up z.<epoch number>.pkl files and pass them as --infiles option arguments.
# The pkl files will be sorted by the epoch numbers internally, so don't care the order of the files.
> cryodrgn_utils_plot_z --infiles z.*.pkl --outdir zplots --generate-movie --figsize 5 --dpi 100
# Result files. *.png are the each epoch's latent variables (PC1/PC2 on the basis of the last epoch's PCA).
# z_movie.gif is the combined movie file.
> ls zplots/
z_epoch_000.png z_epoch_003.png z_epoch_006.png z_epoch_009.png z_epoch_012.png z_epoch_015.png z_epoch_018.png
z_epoch_001.png z_epoch_004.png z_epoch_007.png z_epoch_010.png z_epoch_013.png z_epoch_016.png z_epoch_019.png
z_epoch_002.png z_epoch_005.png z_epoch_008.png z_epoch_011.png z_epoch_014.png z_epoch_017.png z_movie.gif