This package provides fast and efficient parsing, reading, and writing of imzML files for mass spectrometry imaging experiments.
CardinalIO can be installed via the BiocManager package.
This is the recommended installation method.
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
The same function can be used to update CardinalIO and other Bioconductor packages.
Once installed, CardinalIO can be loaded with library()
CardinalIO can also be installed via the remotes package.
if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
remotes::install_github("kuwisdelu/CardinalIO", ref=remotes::github_release())
Previous releases can be installed by specifying the exact version.
The Bioconductor development version of CardinalIO can also be installed via the BiocManager package.
BiocManager::install("CardinalIO", version="devel")
This version is unstable and should not be used for critical work. However, it is typically more stable than Github devel.
This version should typically pass R CMD check
without errors.
The most cutting edge version of CardinalIO can be installed from Github via the remotes package.
if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
This version is unstable and only recommended for developers. It should not be used for critical work.