PH Typhoon is an app that displays the top 10 deadliest and destructive typhoons that hit the Philippines. This project was built using Kotlin and Compose multiplatform
- Top 10 Deadliest Philippine Typhoons
- Top 10 Destructive Philippine Typhoons
- Offline mode
- Language: Kotlin
- IDE: Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 2
- UI Libraries: SplashScreen API, Material3 UI
- Local Database: Room (Kotlin Multiplatform)
- JSON Serializer: KotlinX Serialization
- Dependency Injection: Koin (Kotlin Multiplatform)
- Networking: Ktor Client
- Image Loader: Coil Compose
- Webview/Browser: Chrome Custom Tabs
- Navigation: Compose Navigation
- Server: Ktor Server
- API Auth Provider : Ktor API Key
- Dependency Injection: Koin Ktor
- Web Service Deployment: Render, Docker