Use Sticky to quickly persist common Swift objects using the Swift 4 Codable
type and local file storage.
Simply define an object in Swift (use your value types!) and conform it to the Stickable
protocol. In order to take full advantage of Sticky, make sure to add Equatable
conformance to your object as well.
Note: In Swift 4.1, conformance can be synthesized for you.
import Sticky
struct Candy: Stickable {
var productId: Int
var name: String
var rating: Rating
// Needs to conform to Equatable
extension Candy: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: Candy, rhs: Candy) -> Bool {
lhs.productId == rhs.productId && == &&
lhs.rating == rhs.rating
Once you conform your object to Stickable
, all you need to do is instantiate it and call the stick()
method to persist it.
var candyBar = Candy(productId: 1, name: "Snickers", rating: .four)
Want to get your data back out?
// [{productId: 1, name: "Snickers", rating: 4}]
If you're following along at home, you also need to define the Rating
type used above and make sure it's also Codable.
enum Rating: Int {
case one = 1
case two
case three
case four
extension Rating: Codable {}
So what if you want to add a new candy bar? = "Milky Way"
// [
// {productId: 1, name: "Snickers", rating: 4},
// {productId: 1, name: "Milky Way", rating: 4}
// ]
Wait, I didn't want to create a new candy bar, just wanted to update the name...
No problem, just create a StickyKey
extension Candy: StickyKey {
struct Key: Equatable {
var productId: Int
static func ==(lhs: Key, rhs: Key) -> Bool {
return lhs.productId == rhs.productId
var key: Candy.Key {
return Candy.Key(productId: self.productId)
} = "Almond Joy"
// [
// {productId: 1, name: "Almond Joy", rating: 4},
// {productId: 1, name: "Milky Way", rating: 4}
// ]
Probably want to get rid of that duplicate productId now...
A couple ways to do that. First, you can simply create or use the Milky Way
object to unstick.
let milkyWay = Candy(productId: 1, name: "Milky Way", rating: .four)
// [{productId: 1, name: "Almond Joy", rating: 4}]
Also, when you first initialize Sticky (for instance, from AppDelegate), you can configure it to clear the directory on startup which gives you a clean slate.
let stickyConfig = StickyConfiguration(
preloadCache: false,
clearDirectory: true,
async: false,
logStyle: .verbose)
Sticky.configure(with: .custom(stickyConfig))
Of course, you can grab the directory and remove the .json
files yourself.
// /var/folders/63/hmdwgb3148v4_xzv_jff_ztr0000gn/T/
- iOS 10.0+ | macOS 10.12+ | tvOS 11.0+ | watchOS 4.0+
- Xcode 9.0+
You can use CocoaPods to install Sticky
by adding it to your Podfile
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'Sticky'