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API to save and list user transactions. This API was built using:

  • Go language
  • Mongodb as nosql database to record transactions
  • Rabbitmq as event bus to notify transactions saved

It is using hexagonal architecture:

  • domain: contains all domain models and ports/interfaces
  • infra: contains all adapters to external services
    • apimanager: contains request/response of apis, routes, handlers and setup of http server
    • containerhelper: contains a helper to up testcontainer-go
    • messagebroker: contains rabbitmq setup and implementations to publish and consume messages
    • repository: contains setup for mongodb client and implementations for database operations
  • usecases: contains all orchestrations of business logic to domain.
  • docs: contains files to swagger
  • db: contains script to initialize database

How to start API

You need to have docker and docker-compose installed before execute transactions api

In a terminal shell:

  • Clone this repository
git clone
cd transactions
  • In transactions directory, run the command below to start the API
docker-compose up -d

It will build the API and create containers to mongodb, rabbitmq and transactions API

Observation: It will use the net ports 15672, 5672, 27017 and 8080. So be attention to don't lock those ports before run the command above.

How to test API

With the API up and running, you can access the swagger in some browser:


It contains two operations:

  • /v1/get: List transactions by giving filter. All fields you send will be considered for filtering transactions. For example if you send user_id and date_from, it will return transactions by user_id and from the date you sent. For the fields date_from and date_to, you have to send in RFC3339 format, like 2022-12-31T23:59:59-03:00. You can omit or just send zero values in the fields that you want to ignore in filter.

Request example:

  "_id": "",
  "amount_greater": 0,
  "amount_less": 0,
  "description": "",
  "operation_type": "",
  "origin": "",
  "user_id": "74211f47-9c6f-4648-88a3-cb7d0614b5fe"

It will return 20 transactions for each page. So if you want to view the next page of transactions, you can check response object paging, get the next_page and then set page in the new request. If response don't return next_page in paging, it means there are no more transactions to return.

  "_id": "",
  "amount_greater": 0,
  "amount_less": 0,
  "description": "",
  "operation_type": "",
  "origin": "",
  "user_id": "74211f47-9c6f-4648-88a3-cb7d0614b5fe",
        "page": 3
  • /v1/save: Receives transactions data, registed it in application and finish notifying other applications. You can send a list of transactions to register it.

Request example:

    "user_id": "74211f47-9c6f-4648-88a3-cb7d0614b5fe",
    "origin_channel": "desktop-web",
    "transactions": [
            "description": "test21",
            "amount": 5678.34,
            "operation": "debit"
            "description": "test2",
            "amount": 14.1,
            "operation": "credit"
            "description": "test3",
            "amount": 14.1,
            "operation": "debit"

You can send up to 20 transactions for each request. More than that it will return an error.

The origin_channel field accept the follow values:

  • "desktop-web"
  • "mobile-android"
  • "mobile-ios"

operation field accept the follow values:

  • debit
  • credit

user_id must exists on database (mongodb). For this project, there is 3 default user_id:

  • 74211f47-9c6f-4648-88a3-cb7d0614b5fe
  • 52814c2d-657b-4e7b-be5c-9f28e59253f8
  • 355daea3-bfdc-41d5-8ecf-c9bcd21f4dbf (this one is setted as disabled)

Check transactions in mongodb

Mongodb is running on the port 27017. It's a replica set with only one container to deal with transaction and session. You can access using any mongodb client passing URI:

  • mongodb://mongodb:27017
  • mongodb://localhost:27017

There is an account database with transaction and user collection

Check rabbitmq messages

You can access rabbitmq console in any browser with url http://localhost:15672 user: guest password: guest

There is an fanout exchange EXC.TRANSACTION.SAVED and a queue QUEUE.TRANSACTION.SAVED receiving notifications of transactions saved.

Feel free to contact me if necessary: email:


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