This is a code challenge for PH.
Postgres, Node.js, Express.js, Body-Parser, PG, NPM, Bower, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, and Bootstrap.
If you don't have NPM yet, from terminal:
curl | sh
In your browser, navigate to [the repo] (
In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork and choose the account you want to for to. Copy the [url of the forked repo] and insert it in the next step.
In your designated code directory, type:
git clone [url of the forked repo]
cd challenge
npm install
bower install
##If you have OSX:
Install [] (
- Download
- Move to /Applications
- Double Click
With Postgres installed and running, follow [these commands] ( to use the command line tools included with Postgres.
From the 'challenge' directory that you forked, type the following in terminal:
psql --command="create database premise"
psql -d premise -f premise.sql
##If you don't have OSX:
Install [PostgreSQL] ( for your OS. With PostgreSQL installed and running, import the premise.sql data dump using [these directions] ( or using this command:
psql premise < premise.sql
The PostgreSQL method is untested by me, as I have OSX and have not tested it on Windows. Please let me know if this is not correct.
##After the premise.sql database file in this repository is imported and either the PostgreSQL or servers are running:
From the 'challenge' root directory, type:
node app.js
Open your web browser to [this address] (http://localhost:4000/) and you will see the app.