- support 1m-connections client
- make sure setting the correct system env, for example:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535"
sysctl -w fs.file-max=2000500
sysctl -w fs.nr_open=2000500
sysctl -w net.nf_conntrack_max=2000500
ulimit -n 2000500
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_mem='131072 262144 524288'
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='8760 256960 4088000'
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='8760 256960 4088000'
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16384
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16384
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=2048
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048
sysctl -w /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog=2048
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1 # client nat tcp-handshak problem
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1
`:+ssssssssssssssssss+:` -------------------------
-+ssssssssssssssssssyyssss+- OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS on Windows 10 x86_64
.ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso. Kernel:
/ssssssssssshdmmNNmmyNMMMMhssssss/ Uptime: 1 hour, 41 mins
+ssssssssshmydMMMMMMMNddddyssssssss+ Packages: 739 (dpkg), 4 (snap)
/sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhmNMMMNhssssssss/ Shell: bash 5.0.17
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss. Terminal: Relay(527)
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+ CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX with Radeon Graphics (32) @ 2.495GHz
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso GPU: f008:00:00.0 Microsoft Corporation Device 008e
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso Memory: 645MiB / 31951MiB
git clone https://github.com/lesismal/go-websocket-benchmark.git
cd go-websocket-benchmark
# if you want to change the benchmark config, just read the script and edit:
# go-websocket-benchmark/script/config.sh
20240403 16:31.05.050 [BenchEcho] Report
Framework | TPS | EER | Min | Avg | Max | TP50 | TP75 | TP90 | TP95 | TP99 | Used | Total | Success | Failed | Conns | Concurrency | Payload | CPU Min | CPU Avg | CPU Max | MEM Min | MEM Avg | MEM Max |
fasthttp | 770272 | 860.50 | 19.22us | 12.92ms | 156.10ms | 11.08ms | 12.77ms | 19.26ms | 20.36ms | 32.31ms | 2.60s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 677.71 | 895.15 | 1136.53 | 335.48M | 335.48M | 335.48M |
gobwas | 586901 | 505.42 | 15.13us | 16.83ms | 219.14ms | 11.93ms | 18.49ms | 28.34ms | 48.72ms | 103.06ms | 3.41s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 583.30 | 1161.22 | 1451.58 | 400.59M | 415.20M | 429.80M |
gorilla | 763962 | 831.85 | 14.81us | 13.04ms | 136.80ms | 10.97ms | 13.09ms | 19.61ms | 21.21ms | 48.99ms | 2.62s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 704.82 | 918.39 | 1131.96 | 288.24M | 288.24M | 288.24M |
gws | 759921 | 776.50 | 11.82us | 13.12ms | 156.34ms | 10.83ms | 14.53ms | 19.60ms | 21.46ms | 46.94ms | 2.63s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 760.20 | 978.65 | 1203.86 | 216.65M | 216.65M | 216.65M |
gws_std | 790027 | 917.34 | 16.70us | 12.60ms | 135.46ms | 10.59ms | 12.29ms | 19.02ms | 20.17ms | 51.95ms | 2.53s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 585.79 | 861.21 | 1136.64 | 217.44M | 217.44M | 217.44M |
hertz | 475530 | 764.06 | 1.07ms | 20.95ms | 72.61ms | 18.44ms | 22.35ms | 34.48ms | 36.80ms | 42.35ms | 4.21s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 164.81 | 622.37 | 780.84 | 523.80M | 556.98M | 590.17M |
hertz_std | 724648 | 1041.27 | 17.86us | 13.74ms | 236.25ms | 11.40ms | 12.99ms | 19.87ms | 22.16ms | 93.24ms | 2.76s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 0.00 | 695.93 | 1194.34 | 360.41M | 361.41M | 362.41M |
nbio_blocking | 763517 | 840.92 | 15.91us | 13.02ms | 125.83ms | 10.96ms | 13.41ms | 19.41ms | 20.61ms | 49.08ms | 2.62s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 693.08 | 907.96 | 1122.83 | 213.23M | 213.23M | 213.23M |
nbio_mixed | 789053 | 917.15 | 14.92us | 12.60ms | 148.03ms | 10.54ms | 12.94ms | 19.24ms | 20.27ms | 55.67ms | 2.53s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 603.90 | 860.33 | 1127.10 | 272.71M | 272.71M | 272.71M |
nbio_nonblocking | 717496 | 1044.34 | 29.75us | 13.90ms | 168.11ms | 12.07ms | 13.85ms | 20.14ms | 21.29ms | 35.10ms | 2.79s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 0.00 | 687.04 | 1142.56 | 86.80M | 95.38M | 103.96M |
nbio_std | 753412 | 821.57 | 11.66us | 13.23ms | 223.49ms | 10.92ms | 13.05ms | 19.54ms | 21.57ms | 77.76ms | 2.65s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 719.26 | 917.04 | 1114.81 | 202.95M | 202.95M | 202.95M |
nettyws | 778445 | 892.59 | 14.18us | 12.79ms | 142.58ms | 10.86ms | 13.31ms | 19.36ms | 20.35ms | 27.50ms | 2.57s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 636.37 | 872.12 | 1127.89 | 189.11M | 189.11M | 189.11M |
nhooyr | 659804 | 651.89 | 19.06us | 15.10ms | 181.33ms | 11.14ms | 14.08ms | 24.10ms | 37.20ms | 107.87ms | 3.03s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 24.98 | 1012.14 | 1515.70 | 386.97M | 386.97M | 386.97M |
quickws | 782685 | 944.61 | 15.31us | 12.71ms | 139.09ms | 10.78ms | 12.24ms | 19.28ms | 20.40ms | 41.09ms | 2.56s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 578.30 | 828.58 | 1086.75 | 150.31M | 150.31M | 150.31M |
greatws | 648302 | 983.04 | 30.80us | 15.35ms | 302.55ms | 13.35ms | 16.50ms | 21.74ms | 24.18ms | 62.52ms | 3.08s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 68.93 | 659.49 | 973.74 | 154.16M | 154.71M | 155.25M |
greatws_event | 657385 | 1158.59 | 28.88us | 15.17ms | 190.30ms | 13.45ms | 16.33ms | 21.33ms | 22.78ms | 31.36ms | 3.04s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 10000 | 10000 | 1024 | 11.99 | 567.40 | 845.77 | 161.71M | 163.85M | 165.98M |
20240403 16:31.05.064 [BenchRate] Report
Framework | Duration | EchoEER | Packet Sent | Bytes Sent | Packet Recv | Bytes Recv | Conns | SendRate | Payload | CPU Min | CPU Avg | CPU Max | MEM Min | MEM Avg | MEM Max |
fasthttp | 10.00s | 1867.33 | 19900000 | 18.98G | 19868546 | 18.95G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1043.72 | 1064.01 | 1092.89 | 368.16M | 402.69M | 461.00M |
gobwas | 10.00s | 650.82 | 11001720 | 10.49G | 10675692 | 10.18G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1528.81 | 1640.33 | 1744.65 | 423.34M | 431.77M | 442.66M |
gorilla | 10.00s | 2079.85 | 19900000 | 18.98G | 19900000 | 18.98G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 0.00 | 956.80 | 1078.91 | 328.34M | 397.06M | 464.05M |
gws | 10.00s | 1866.56 | 19850870 | 18.93G | 19850870 | 18.93G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 0.00 | 1063.50 | 1207.03 | 245.38M | 251.12M | 259.20M |
gws_std | 10.00s | 2069.83 | 19887960 | 18.97G | 19887960 | 18.97G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 0.00 | 960.85 | 1075.37 | 251.84M | 257.60M | 266.69M |
hertz | 10.00s | 1471.93 | 15691030 | 14.96G | 15521809 | 14.80G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1028.86 | 1054.52 | 1098.86 | 756.00M | 786.49M | 841.21M |
hertz_std | 10.00s | 1752.33 | 19879500 | 18.96G | 19821035 | 18.90G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1117.02 | 1131.13 | 1148.89 | 396.29M | 460.64M | 504.64M |
nbio_blocking | 10.00s | 2004.79 | 19884530 | 18.96G | 19884530 | 18.96G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 0.00 | 991.85 | 1116.45 | 238.64M | 252.28M | 270.88M |
nbio_mixed | 10.00s | 1854.41 | 19899920 | 18.98G | 19881304 | 18.96G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1046.51 | 1072.11 | 1092.85 | 427.79M | 451.41M | 464.98M |
nbio_nonblocking | 10.00s | 1548.99 | 19649200 | 18.74G | 19559255 | 18.65G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1217.77 | 1262.71 | 1285.73 | 136.00M | 158.42M | 181.10M |
nbio_std | 10.00s | 1968.85 | 19849750 | 18.93G | 19849750 | 18.93G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 0.00 | 1008.19 | 1140.91 | 222.25M | 242.36M | 265.38M |
nettyws | 10.00s | 1924.26 | 19900000 | 18.98G | 19900000 | 18.98G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 979.88 | 1034.16 | 1061.80 | 205.34M | 206.97M | 207.56M |
nhooyr | 10.00s | 1150.49 | 18659680 | 17.80G | 18534252 | 17.68G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1575.61 | 1610.99 | 1645.84 | 388.97M | 391.11M | 391.66M |
quickws | 10.00s | 2238.76 | 19900000 | 18.98G | 19900000 | 18.98G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 0.00 | 888.89 | 1010.88 | 154.31M | 155.87M | 156.31M |
greatws | 10.00s | 1626.12 | 19643320 | 18.73G | 19581458 | 18.67G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 1151.57 | 1204.18 | 1240.71 | 154.30M | 162.51M | 170.98M |
greatws_event | 10.00s | 1914.01 | 19889190 | 18.97G | 19858307 | 18.94G | 10000 | 200 | 1024 | 984.68 | 1037.52 | 1058.69 | 154.58M | 163.28M | 177.87M |
git clone https://github.com/lesismal/go-websocket-benchmark.git
cd go-websocket-benchmark
20240403 16:35.28.724 [Connections] Report
Framework | TPS | Min | Avg | Max | TP50 | TP75 | TP90 | TP95 | TP99 | Used | Total | Success | Failed | Concurrency |
nbio_nonblocking | 64058 | 10ns | 30.94ms | 15.61s | 20ns | 20ns | 21ns | 30ns | 31ns | 15.61s | 1000000 | 1000000 | 0 | 2000 |
greatws | 63882 | 10ns | 31.04ms | 15.65s | 20ns | 21ns | 30ns | 40ns | 121ns | 15.65s | 1000000 | 1000000 | 0 | 2000 |
greatws_event | 69324 | 10ns | 28.61ms | 14.42s | 20ns | 20ns | 30ns | 31ns | 51ns | 14.43s | 1000000 | 1000000 | 0 | 2000 |
20240403 16:35.28.732 [BenchEcho] Report
Framework | TPS | EER | Min | Avg | Max | TP50 | TP75 | TP90 | TP95 | TP99 | Used | Total | Success | Failed | Conns | Concurrency | Payload | CPU Min | CPU Avg | CPU Max | MEM Min | MEM Avg | MEM Max |
nbio_nonblocking | 152342 | 440.12 | 27.08us | 65.54ms | 1.08s | 34.59ms | 37.14ms | 133.20ms | 367.50ms | 453.01ms | 13.13s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 1000000 | 10000 | 1024 | 189.15 | 346.13 | 496.95 | 967.02M | 967.58M | 968.51M |
greatws | 141385 | 412.66 | 25.55us | 70.62ms | 1.05s | 37.50ms | 42.03ms | 143.13ms | 373.50ms | 463.37ms | 14.15s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 1000000 | 10000 | 1024 | 112.40 | 342.62 | 399.85 | 575.97M | 576.48M | 576.86M |
greatws_event | 145457 | 514.79 | 24.77us | 68.66ms | 1.00s | 35.80ms | 38.67ms | 140.22ms | 373.21ms | 453.04ms | 13.75s | 2000000 | 2000000 | 0 | 1000000 | 10000 | 1024 | 48.71 | 282.56 | 340.90 | 447.33M | 448.25M | 448.86M |