If you use these data please cite
- the original source
Běijīng Dàxué 北京大学 (1964): Hànyǔ fāngyán cíhuì 汉语方言词汇 [Chinese dialect vocabularies]. Beijing: Wenzi Gaige.
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version you were using
This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license
Available online at https://github.com/digling/cddb/
Conceptlists in Concepticon:
This dataset, which is well-known among Sinologists, comprises 18 dialect varieties, collected during the 1950s and was digitized during 2012 and 2016. We offer the data in morpheme-segmented form, with a slightly adjusted IPA transcription.
- Varieties: 18 (linked to 18 different Glottocodes)
- Concepts: 905 (linked to 738 different Concepticon concept sets)
- Lexemes: 18,059
- Sources: 1
- Synonymy: 1.11
- Invalid lexemes: 0
- Tokens: 120,791
- Segments: 279 (0 BIPA errors, 0 CLTS sound class errors, 279 CLTS modified)
- Inventory size (avg): 62.78
Name | GitHub user | Description | Role |
Beijing University | data collection | Author | |
Johann-Mattis List | @LinguList | maintainer | Editor |
The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf: