Demo project for creating GraphQL Api using Spring GraphQL, Spring Data, Spring JPA, Spring RSocket & Spring Kafka
To setup Kafka and Kafdrop:
- Install Docker Desktop at
- Open command prompt at root folder, then run the command 'docker-compose up -d'
- Ensure the container 'bookstore-service-graphql' is started in docker desktop
To run:
Open command prompt at root folder, then run the command 'gradlew bootRun' without quotes
Navigate to http://localhost:8080/h2-console at your browser to access to h2 database with the following credentials:
UserName: sa Password: password
Navigate to http://localhost:9000/ at your browser to access Kafdrop to explore messages in Kafka during Create, Update & Delete operations as follows in steps below
Navigate to http://localhost:8080/graphiql at your browser to access in-browser GraphQL IDE
Copy and paste the following query to your browser and click 'Play' button:
query { findAllBooks { title yearOfPublish price genre isbn authors { id name birthday book { title } } } findByTitle(title: "Book 5") { title yearOfPublish price genre isbn authors { id name birthday book { title } } } findByAuthorsName(authorName: "Peter") { title yearOfPublish price genre isbn authors { id name birthday book { title } } } findAllAuthors { id name birthday book { title } } findByBookTitle(bookTitle: "Book 5") { id name birthday book { title } } }
Copy and paste the following mutation to your browser and click 'Play' button:
mutation { createBook( input: {clientMutationId: "0000000006", title: "Book 6", yearOfPublish: 2023, price: 18.88, genre: "thriller"} ) { isbn title } createAuthor( input: {name: "Henry", birthday: "1988-08-08", bookIsbn: "0000000006"} ) { id name book { isbn title } } updateBook( input: { clientMutationId: "0000000006", title: "Book 6 2nd Edition", yearOfPublish: 2024, price: 19.99, genre: "thriller"} ) { isbn title yearOfPublish price genre } updateAuthor( input: {clientMutationId: "7", name: "Henry II", birthday: "1988-08-08", bookIsbn: "0000000005"} ) { id name book { isbn title } } deleteBook(input: {clientMutationId: "0000000006"}) deleteAuthor(input: {clientMutationId: "7"}) }
Copy and paste the following subscription to your browser and click 'Play' button:
subscription { notifyBookChange { book { title yearOfPublish price genre isbn } dataOperation } }
With the previous tab still running at Step 5, open a new tab on your browser, then copy and paste the following book mutations one by one and click 'Play' button:
mutation { createBook( input: {clientMutationId: "0000000006", title: "Book 6", yearOfPublish: 2023, price: 18.88, genre: "thriller"} ) { isbn title } } mutation { updateBook( input: { clientMutationId: "0000000006", title: "Book 6 2nd Edition", yearOfPublish: 2024, price: 19.99, genre: "thriller"} ) { isbn title yearOfPublish price genre } } mutation { deleteBook(input: {clientMutationId: "0000000006"}) }
Copy and paste the following subscription to your browser and click 'Play' button:
subscription { notifyAuthorChange { author { id name book { isbn title } } dataOperation } }
With the previous tab still running at Step 7, open a new tab on your browser, then copy and paste the following author mutations one by one and click 'Play' button:
mutation { createAuthor( input: {name: "Henry", birthday: "1988-08-08", bookIsbn: "0000000006"} ) { id name book { isbn title } } } mutation { updateAuthor( input: {clientMutationId: "8", name: "Henry II", birthday: "1988-08-08", bookIsbn: "0000000005"} ) { id name book { isbn title } } } mutation { deleteAuthor(input: {clientMutationId: "8"}) }
To test rsocket requests, install RSocket Client CLI (rsc) from
Open command prompt window, and run the following commands:
rsc --request --route=graphql --dataMimeType="application/graphql+json" --data '{\"query\" : \"{findAllBooks{title,yearOfPublish,price,genre,isbn,authors{id,name,birthday,book{title}}}}\"}' --debug tcp://localhost:7000/