The Litmus Java SDK makes it easy to communicate with Litmus’ internal servers.
This library requires Java 17 or later.
Litmus version 3.13.0 or later.
implementation 'io.litmuschaos:litmus-sdk:<VERSION>'
LitmusClient contains simple, easy-to-use interface for making requests to litmus internal servers.
import io.litmuschaos.LitmusClient;
import io.litmuschaos.request.UserCreateRequest;
import io.litmuschaos.response.UserResponse;
String host = "http://localhost:3000"; // LitmusChaos frontend url
String token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR..." // api token
LitmusClient litmusClient = new LitmusClient(host, token);
UserCreateRequest request = UserCreateRequest.builder()
UserResponse response = litmusClient.createUser(request);
You can customize httpClient configuration by injecting LitmusConfig
LitmusConfig config = new LitmusConfig();
LitmusClient litmusClient = new LitmusClient("host", "token", config);
// if you don't need to set custom properties, just pass host and token.
// Default configurations are applied.
LitmusClient litmusClient = new LitmusClient("host", "token");
You need to understand projectionRoot
for using Litmus Java SDK well. When you access to litmus graphQL backend server by SDK, you can filter response field by projectionRoot.
GetEnvironmentGraphQLQuery query = new GetEnvironmentGraphQLQuery.Builder()
GetEnvironmentProjectionRoot projectionRoot = new GetEnvironmentProjectionRoot<>()
Environment response = litmusClient.getEnvironment(query, projectionRoot);
litmusClient only return fields that selected by projectionRoot.
email=null // not selected
description=null, // not selected
tags=null, // not selected
ProjectionRoot is tree data structure, so you can explore object graph by parent()
and root()
- parent() : move to upper position
- root() : move to root position
"name": "test",
"faultName": "test fault",
"executedByExperment": {
"experimentID": "test-id",
"experimentName": "test-experiment",
"updatedBy": {
"username": "test-user", // If you call parent() here, you can access to experimentName field
"email": "" // If you call root() here, you can access to faultName field
This project contains the following sample code
We'd love to have you contribute! Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for details.
Here is a copy of the License: License