Use this SDK to interact with LiveKit server APIs and create access tokens from your Ruby backend.
This library is designed to work with Ruby 2.6.0 and above.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'livekit-server-sdk'
and then bundle install
gem install livekit-server-sdk
Creating a token for participant to join a room.
require 'livekit'
token = LiveKit::AccessToken.new(api_key: 'yourkey', api_secret: 'yoursecret')
token.identity = 'participant-identity'
token.name = 'participant-name'
token.video_grant = LiveKit::VideoGrant.new(roomJoin: true, room: 'room-name')
token.attributes = { "mykey" => "myvalue" }
puts token.to_jwt
By default, a token expires after 6 hours. You may override this by passing in ttl
when creating the token. ttl
is expressed in seconds.
It's possible to customize the permissions of each participant. See more details at access tokens guide.
is a Twirp-based client that provides management APIs to LiveKit. You can connect it to your LiveKit endpoint. See service apis for a list of available APIs.
require 'livekit'
client = LiveKit::RoomServiceClient.new('https://my.livekit.instance',
api_key: 'yourkey', api_secret: 'yoursecret')
name = 'myroom'
client.list_participants(room: name)
client.mute_published_track(room: name, identity: 'participant',
track_sid: 'track-id', muted: true)
client.remove_participant(room: name, identity: 'participant')
client.delete_room(room: name)
is a ruby client to EgressService. Refer to docs for more usage examples
require 'livekit'
# starting a room composite to S3
egressClient = LiveKit::EgressServiceClient.new(
api_key: 'key',
api_secret: 'secret'
info = egressClient.start_room_composite_egress(
file_type: LiveKit::Proto::EncodedFileType::MP4,
filepath: "my-recording.mp4",
s3: LiveKit::Proto::S3Upload.new(
access_key: 'access-key',
secret: 'secret',
region: 'bucket-region',
bucket: 'bucket'
puts info
# starting a track composite to RTMP
urls = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:string, ['rtmp://url1', 'rtmps://url2'])
info = egressClient.start_track_composite_egress(
protocol: LiveKit::Proto::StreamProtocol::RTMP,
urls: urls
audio_track_id: 'TR_XXXXXXXXXXXX',
video_track_id: 'TR_XXXXXXXXXXXX'
puts info
You may store credentials in environment variables. If api-key or api-secret is not passed in when creating a RoomServiceClient
or AccessToken
, the values in the following env vars will be used:
The gem is available as open source under the terms of Apache 2.0 License.
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