An opinionated cookiecutter template for Common Lisp videogame projects. Contains an empty window with FPS counter, a basic event loop, livesupport for interactive development and deployment matters covered (automated Linux, MacOS and Windows builds with the help of docker-lisp-gamedev).
You can choose the backend middleware library for your project from the following:
- liballegro — the recommended option. Rock-solid stability, a wide range of functionality and decent Common Lisp bindings. The only choice that supports the creation of in-game UIs, via cl-liballegro-nuklear.
- raylib — pretty much dark horse. Lacks proper error handling and doesn’t have a huge lot of functionality, but the code size is the smallest. The library itself requires manual installation, and Common Lisp bindings are only present on Ultralisp. NOTE: untested under MacOS.
- SDL2 — most popular framework, boasting abundant documentation and tutorials. However, Common Lisp bindings are in sorry state, so expect bugs and crashes.
Install cookiecutter:
pip install cookiecutter
You’ll obviously need some Lisp implementation (SBCL is preferred) and Quicklisp package manager:
curl -O
sbcl --non-interactive --load quicklisp.lisp \
--eval '(quicklisp-quickstart:install)' \
--eval '(ql-util:without-prompting (ql:add-to-init-file))'
To use the raylib middleware, you’ll additionally need to have Ultralisp installed:
sbcl --non-interactive --eval '(ql-dist:install-dist "" :prompt nil)'
cookiecutter gh:lockie/cookiecutter-lisp-game
Dont forget to symlink your project’s directory to Quicklisp’s local projects for local development:
cd your-game
ln -s `pwd` $HOME/quicklisp/local-projects/
After that, you can just (ql:quickload :your-game)
in your preferred Lisp IDE,
run (main)
and start hacking!
IMPORTANT: Push your repo to Github, then go to Settings → Actions → General → Workflow permissions and tick the “Read and write permission” option, otherwise you’ll get “Error 403: Resource not accessible by integration” on build.
To change branding icon, replace package/icon.png
with any 256x256 PNG file.
To automatically build packages for supported OSes, just add a tag to a commit and push it to your repo on GitHub; in about 10 minutes they’ll appear in Releases section of your repo.
The list of projects built with this template:
- Lispy Rogue, an Autumn Lisp Game Jam 2024 entry
- Cycle of Evil, a Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 entry
- Mana Break, an Autumn Lisp Game Jam 2023 entry
- Thoughtbound, a Spring Lisp Game Jam 2023 entry
- feel free to add your projects here!
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.