Features β’ Requirements β’ Usage β’ Development β’ About
see table of content
Add an one way synchronization from github commits to your google calendar and boost your time-tracking and productivity analysis.
This project was deeply inspired by this tool, and my main reason for creating this was to track my progress over my completed ticktick tasks, moving them to another calendar, which was not possible in the mentioned project at the time. After some time I also thought it would be a good idea to add github commits sync to google calendar.
After TickTick finally introduced two-way sync with Google Calendar, I decided to remove the one-way sync from gcal-sync. I believe it served its purpose well by providing a valuable solution for the community during the time when TickTick had not yet implemented this functionality, but moving forward it feels appropriate to transition to the built-in ticktick solution.
βοΈ sync your github commits to google calendar;
βοΈ option to send a daily summary notification of what gcalsync has done throughout the day;
βοΈ you can add a url link to run the sync function manually whenever you want.
The only thing you need to use this solution is a gmail/google account
It basically sets a function to run in google apps scripts to run at every 5 minutes, and this function is responsable for:
- sync your github commits to google calendar;
- send you optional emails about session. daily changes, errors and new versions.
To effectively use this project, do the following steps:
1 - create a Google Apps Scripts (GAS) project
Go to the google apps script and create a new project by clicking in the button showed in the next image.
It would be a good idea to rename the project to something like "gcal-sync".
2 - setup the gcal-sync on GAS
Click on the initial file, which is the rectangle-1 on the image.
Replace the initial content present in the rectangle-2 with the gcal-sync code provided bellow.
β οΈ Warning
Remember to update theconfigs
object according to your data and needs.
function getConfigs() { const configs = { settings: { sync_function: 'sync', // function name to run every x minutes timezone_offset_correction: 0, // hour correction to match maybe a daylight saving difference (if you want the events 1 hour "before", then put -1) update_frequency: 5, // wait time between sync checks (must be multiple of 5: 10, 15, etc) skip_mode: false, // if set to true, it will skip every sync (useful for not messing up your data if any bug occurs repeatedly) per_day_emails: { time_to_send: '22:00', // time to email the summary email_daily_summary: false, // email all the actions done in the day on the above time email_new_gcal_sync_release: false, // check one time per day and email when a new gcal-sync version is released on the above time }, per_sync_emails: { email_errors: false, // email when some error occurs email_session: false // email when any item was added, updated or removed from your gcal } }, github_sync: { username: 'lucasvtiradentes', // github username personal_token: '', // github token, required if you want to sync private repo commits commits_configs: { should_sync: true, // controls if the github commits sync should be done commits_calendar: 'gh_commits', // google calendar to insert commits as events ignored_repos: ['github-assets'], // ignored repositories string array: ['repo1', 'repo2'] parse_commit_emojis: true // parse string emojis (:tada:) to emojis (β¨) } } }; return configs } function getGcalSync(){ let gcalSync; const configs = getConfigs() const useDevVersion = false if (useDevVersion){ const GcalSync = getGcalSyncDev() gcalSync = new GcalSync(configs); } else { const version = "2.0.0" const gcalSyncContent = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gcal-sync@2.0.0`).getContentText(); eval(gcalSyncContent) gcalSync = new GcalSync(configs); } return gcalSync; } function install() { const gcalSync = getGcalSync(); gcalSync.install(); } function uninstall() { const gcalSync = getGcalSync(); gcalSync.uninstall(); } function sync(){ const gcalSync = getGcalSync() try{ console.log(gcalSync.sync()) } catch(e){ gcalSync.handleError(e) } } function doGet(reqParams) { const gcalSync = getGcalSync() const response = { sessionData: {}, logs: [], error: null } try { response.sessionData = gcalSync.sync() response.logs = gcalSync.getSessionLogs() } catch (e){ response.error = e gcalSync.handleError(e) } return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(response)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON) }
3 - allow the required google permissions
Go to the project settings by clicking on the first image rectangle. After that, check the option to show the appsscript.json
in our project, a file that manages the required google api access.
Go back to the project files, and replace the content present in the appsscript.json
with the following code:
{ "timeZone": "Etc/GMT", "dependencies": { "enabledAdvancedServices": [ { "userSymbol": "Calendar", "serviceId": "calendar", "version": "v3" } ] }, "oauthScopes": [ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.scriptapp", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.external_request", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/tasks", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.send_mail", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email" ], "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER", "runtimeVersion": "V8", "webapp": { "executeAs": "USER_DEPLOYING", "access": "ANYONE_ANONYMOUS" } }
4 - setup the gcal-sync to run automatically every x minutes
5 - deploy an api to manually run the sync function (optional)
- it is not necessary to generate a github token in order to sync commits, it is only required if you want to sync your contributions to private repos as well;
To update your gcal-sync instance and use the latest features, you just need to change the version
number in the getGcalSync
function, as it is shown bellow:
function getGcalSync(){ // ... const version = "1.0.0" // update here to use the latest features const content = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gcal-sync@${version}`).getContentText(); // ... }
So if your instance is running at version "1.0.0" and the latest is "3.6.1", just replace those numbers in the version
It is a good practice to go to the dist folder everytime you update your instance to check if your files in GAS are the same as the new version; if they're not this may cause erros.
If you want to receive the daily emails, just go to the GAS respective project in the header dropdown menu select the uninstall
function and then click on the Run
button. By doing that, the GAS trigger responsable for running everyday the function will be deleted.
Instructions for development setup
To setup this project in your computer, run the following commands:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/lucasvtiradentes/gcal-sync
# Go into the repository
$ cd gcal-sync
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
If you want to contribute to the project, fork the project, make the necessary changes, and to test your work on google apps scripts with do this:
npm run build
in order to generate the dist files. After that, create a new GAS file (ex: dev_gcal.gs) and paste the content of gcalsync_dev on this new GAS file. -
after that, update the content of the
as specified bellow:
function getGcalSync() {
// ...
const useDevVersion = true; // set this to true to use your gcal-sync version
if (useDevVersion) {
const GcalSync = getGcalSyncDev(); // your work is here
// ...
now you can test your work really easy on production/GAS!
This project uses the following thechnologies:
- online-ics: online tool to view the content of ICS calendars;
- gas-ics-sync: A Google Apps Script for syncing ICS/ICAL files faster than the current Google Calendar speed. This was my main inspiration;
- esports-notifier: get an daily email whenever one of your favorite eSports team has a match at day in games such as csgo, valorant and rainbow six siege;
- twitch-notifier: get email notifications when only your favorite twitch streamers go live.
This project is distributed under the terms of the MIT License Version 2.0. A complete version of the license is available in the LICENSE file in this repository. Any contribution made to this project will be licensed under the MIT License Version 2.0.