Wordsmith is a library for pluralizing, ordinalizing, singularizing and doing other fun and useful things with words.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: luckyframework/wordsmith
require "wordsmith"
Wordsmith::Inflector.pluralize("word") # "words"
Wordsmith::Inflector.singularize("categories") # "category"
Wordsmith::Inflector.camelize("application_controller") # "ApplicationController"
Wordsmith::Inflector.underscore("CheeseBurger") # "cheese_burger"
Wordsmith::Inflector.humanize("employee_id") # "Employee"
Wordsmith::Inflector.titleize("amazon web services") # "Amazon Web Services"
Wordsmith::Inflector.tableize("User") # "users"
Wordsmith::Inflector.classify("users") # "User"
Wordsmith::Inflector.dasherize("post_office") # "post-office"
Wordsmith::Inflector.ordinalize(4) # "4th"
Wordsmith::Inflector.demodulize("Helpers::Mixins::User") # "User"
Wordsmith::Inflector.deconstantize("User::FREE_TIER_COMMENTS") # "User"
Wordsmith::Inflector.foreign_key("Person") # "person_id"
Wordsmith::Inflector.parameterize("Admin/product") # "admin-product"
Wordsmith comes with a ws
CLI utility which allows you to process words from the command line. You can download it directly from the releases page.
╰─ $ ./ws
Usage: ws <option> WORD
Wordsmith is a library for pluralizing, singularizing and doing
other fun and useful things with words.
Command `ws` is the command line version of Wordsmith, not all
features of Wordsmith are implemented, for precompiled binary,
please download from github releases page.
some examples:
$: ws -s people # => person
$: ws -p person # => people
You can use it with pipe:
$: echo "WordSmith" |ws -u |ws -d # => word-smith
more examples, please check https://github.com/luckyframework/wordsmith#usage
-s WORD, --singularize=WORD Return the singular version of the word.
-p WORD, --pluralize=WORD Return the plural version of the word.
-c WORD, --camelize=WORD Return the camel-case version of that word.
-C WORD, --camelize-downcase=WORD
Return the camel-case version of that word, but the first letter not capitalized.
-u WORD, --underscore=WORD Convert a given camel-case word to it's underscored version.
-d WORD, --dasherize=WORD Convert a given underscore-separated word to the same word, separated by dashes.
-h, --help Show this help
If something isn't pluralizing correctly, it's easy to customize.
# Place this in a config file like `config/inflectors.cr`
require "wordsmith"
# To pluralize a single string in a specific way
Wordsmith::Inflector.inflections.irregular("human", "humans")
# To stop Wordsmith from pluralizing a word altogether
- Fork it ( https://github.com/luckyframework/wordsmith/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Make your changes
- Run
to run the specs, build shards, and check formatting - Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
To run the tests:
- Run the tests with
- paulcsmith Paul Smith - creator, maintainer
- actsasflinn Flinn Mueller - contributor
- Inflector is based on Rails. Thank you to the Rails team!