Obzev0 is a chaos engineering tool designed to help you test the resilience of your systems by simulating real-world failures. It allows you to define and execute chaos experiments to uncover weaknesses in your infrastructure and applications.
- Language: Go (for the controller and gRPC server), C (for the eBPF program).
- Frameworks/Libraries: Kubernetes client-go (for interacting with the Kubernetes API), gRPC (for communication between components), eBPF (for kernel space programming).
- Monitoring: Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and visualization.
Obzev0 is built using a microservices architecture, with the following components:
- Controller: Responsible for watching Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) representing chaos scenarios and dispatching work to the DaemonSet.
- DaemonSet: Runs on every node in the Kubernetes cluster and acts as a gRPC server. It executes the chaos scenarios and communicates with the eBPF program in the kernel space.
- eBPF Program: Written in C, it runs in the kernel space and is responsible for monitoring and manipulating network traffic for performance monitoring.
- Simulate network latency by adding configurable delays to incoming and outgoing requests
- Customize delay duration for each service to test specific latency thresholds
- Introduce packet loss with configurable drop rates
- Corrupt specific packets to test handling of incomplete or malformed data
- Apply packet manipulation rules for defined periods
- Track network traffic on specific interfaces using eBPF programs
- Collect detailed metrics on packet flow, dropped packets, and corrupted packets
- Route traffic through a transparent TCP proxy to apply latency and packet manipulation
- Configure different target services for testing under various network conditions
- Manage chaos experiments through a simple gRPC interface
- Enable or disable individual services based on testing needs
- Expose critical chaos engineering metrics to Prometheus for monitoring and alerting
- View and analyze metrics such as latency impact, packet loss, and traffic anomalies over time
- Go 1.17+
- Helm and Kubernetes (for cloud-native environments)
- Prometheus (for collecting chaos engineering metrics)
- Add the Helm repository:
helm repo add obzev0 https://lumbrjx.github.io/obzev0/chart
helm repo update
- Install Obzev0:
helm install obzev0 obzev0/obzev0
Download the binary:
curl -o obzevMini https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lumbrjx/obzev0/main/cmd/cli/obzev0mini
chmod +x obzevMini
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/lumbrjx/obzev0.git
cd obzev0
- For Helm and Kubernetes:
- Build the DaemonSet:
make build-daemon TAG=<tag>
- Build the controller:
make build-controller TAG=<tag>
- Package Helm chart:
make package-chart
- Build the DaemonSet:
Make sure to give your docker image the "latest" tag and push it to a container registry.
- For obzevMini:
- Build the binary:
make build-cli
- Build the binary:
- Install the chart:
helm install <release-name> obzev0/obzev0
- Grant controller permissions:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding permissive-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
Label nodes:
- Control plane:
kubectl label nodes <node-name> node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane=""
- Worker nodes:
kubectl label nodes <node-name> node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=""
- Control plane:
Apply Custom Resource:
The chart folder already contains a Custom Resource and you still can define your own one. here's the CR file and apply the changes by running:
kubectl apply -f path/to/CR/file
after clonning the repo you can run the following command and have everything done for you:
make all TAG=latest
it will use a simple dummy express server you can access it here and the service
- Launch the Daemon Docker container:
docker run -p 50051:50051 lumbrjx/obzev0-grpc-daemon:latest
- Initialize configuration:
obzevMini init -Addr= -dist=path/to/destination/folder/
- Apply configuration:
obzevMini apply -path=path/to/configuration/file
We welcome contributions to Obzev0! Whether you're fixing bugs, adding features, or improving documentation, your contributions are valuable.
For questions or discussions, contact the project maintainers at kaibitayeb01@gmail.com.