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2D Game - Stew the Wanderer

This is supposed to be my line-of-code count

About this

This is an attempt at making a 2D game for the ICS4UI's final project



How To Play

In this game, you're a wanderer, who was teleported to an unknown world.

You have to survive in this world by killing other creatures.

Your only goal is not to die. (for now)

You're equipped with high-level monitoring gears to check all your vitals.

From top to bottom:

  • The first bar is your regeneration cooldown. When you're not at full health, the bar will start rising.

    • You will heal 1 unit of health when the bar is full.
  • The second bar is your experience bar.

    • You will be able to increase your health capacity by 1 if this bar is full.
  • The third bar is your hit cooldown.

    • You can only deal damage to something when the bar is full.
  • The last bar is your health.

    • When you're in a normal state, this bar is red. However, it will turn into dark purple if you're cursed by a ghost.

You're also equipped with a small map that can quickly show your surrounding area.


Gameplay-related Keybinds:

  • W: Move up

  • S: Move down

  • D: Move right

  • A: Move left

  • Space: Attack

  • E: Show the player's stats

  • M: Toggle the map

  • X: Zoom the map in

  • Z: Zoom the map out

Application-related Keybinds:

  • ESC: Pause the game

  • H: Toggle the HUD

  • F: Toggle between fullscreen mode and windowed mode

How To Run

If you downloaded the .jar file:

  • There is a little Releases tab which includes the executable .jar file to play the game.

  • After downloading the .jar file, you can go ahead and run it:

    • For some people, they can run the .jar file by simply double-clicking it.

    • However, for the others, they need to execute a little command from the Terminal:

    java -jar 2DGame.jar

If you're using Visual Studio Code:

  • If you clone this project into your local machine, good luck running it without Code Runner.

  • Actually, even with Code Runner, you would probably need to edit the script inside settings.json in the .vscode folder.

  • Your best bet is probably using your personal settings.json file.

  • If you're using your own setting.json file, you have to include the res folder as a source folder along with the src folder by doing this:

"java.project.sourcePaths": [

With the Extension Pack for Java, you should be able to run the source code without the need of Code Runner.

If you're using Replit:

  • I have it setup on Replit, so you can just press Run.

  • However, I do not recommend running it on Replit because of how big this project is.

If you're running it via Terminal because you think you're cool:

git clone
cd 2DGame
cd src
javac -cp . -d ../bin dev/kyzel/
java -classpath ../bin dev.kyzel.App

If you're using something else, why?

Using IntelliJ IDEA is understandable though.

Folder Structure

The workspace contains:

  • .vscode: Visual Studio Code's settings

  • res: Resources (sprites, textures, musics,...)

  • src/dev/kyzel: Sources

    • game: Game-related components

      • entity: Entity-related components

      • menu: Menu-related components

      • world: World-related components

    • gfx: GUI-related components

    • sfx: Sound-related component

    • utils: Utilities components (mostly include Loaders for the game)

    • main class

Meanwhile, the compiled output files will be generated in the bin folder and ignored by .gitignore by default.

If you are using Visual Studio Code, you can export .jar file if you have the Extension Pack for Java and it will be in the build folder.