Music player in POSIX-sh interfacing mpv from the shell + extras/goodies 1 🚀.
A fork of lwillets/mpvc evolving on its own adding features such as: improved interfaces to CLI, TUI, FZF, WEB, EQZ, & play streaming services as YouTube/Invidious. For more on the features of this fork check: Git QuickStart, Wiki, LogBook & Casts.
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mpvc-tui -n: running with mpvc-fzf and desktop notifications on the upper-right corner (click to view screenshot)
▶️ Overview 1
mpvc is a collection of POSIX shell scripts:
- mpvc: provides the core CLI commands to control mpv
- extras/mpvc-tui: provides a console TUI, using mpvc underneath
- extras/mpvc-fzf: provides FZF integration to mpvc.
- extras/mpvc-web: a hack to remotely control mpvc from web (handy on mobile)
- extras/mpvc-mpris: speaks MPRIS to control mpv player through key-bindings.
- extras/mpvc-equalizer: provides a basic mpv equalizer for the CLI.
- extras/mpvc-autostart: automatic mpv start/stop based on presence.
- extras/mpvc-installer: provides an installer to install/update mpvc.
For more details on how to use the above tools have a look at the Git QuickStart Guide, LogBook. In addition, the casts/ directory to shows some screencasts of mpvc in action.
: a POSIX compliant shell (/bin/sh
: the mpv media player (see
: is preferred due to the differing implementations ofnetcat
across UNIXes.awk
: a sane version ofawk
for the same reason (GNU/BSDawk
Recommended extras:
Installing is just a matter of fetching the scripts either via Git/Curl/etc., scripts can be used directly from the repo, the mpvc-installer
bit is just there for easiness, to fetch & link them into your BINDIR=~/bin/
that mpvc-installer does by default.
The easiest for a onetime install is the Manual, however for @latest version a Git install is recommended.
Remember to check your installation for missing dependencies/requirements using mpvc-installer check-reqs
, and, if you encounter any issue file an Issue.
curl -LO \
&& BINDIR=$HOME/bin sh ./mpvc-installer fetch-user
Below is a Quick Start guide showcasing mpvc git install and usage.
This does git clone, and symlinks the mpvc scripts to BINDIR
(default ~/bin
), so updating becomes a matter of just running git pull
# fetch a local copy of the github repo
git clone
# use extras/mpvc-installer: just copy/link to BINDIR=$HOME/bin (by default)
(cd mpvc; extras/mpvc-installer link-user)
(cd mpvc; extras/mpvc-installer check-reqs)
# use mpvc to add/load/save media files or online YT URLs
mpvc add /path/to/your/*.mp3 # or your URLs
find . -type f -name | mpvc load
mpvc save my-playlist
# use mpvc stash to store/recover current mpv state (see the logbook for more)
mpvc stash ls
mpvc stash push current
mpvc stash apply current
# use mpvc-fzf to manage mpvc stash (see mpvc-fzf -h for more)
mpvc-fzf -a
# use mpvc-fzf to search and play youtube media
mpvc-fzf -p 'kupla mirage'
# use mpvc-fzf to browse & play lofi girl music
mpvc-fzf -b
# use mpvc-fzf to manage the playlist
mpvc-fzf -f
# use mpvc-tui to start the tui + desktop notifications
mpvc-tui -T
For more check the LogBook (remeber your best chance is to try, play, and have fun).
Debian (and APT derivatives such as Ubuntu):
apt install mpv gawk curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify-bin
Arch mpvc-git
Arch (and derivatives):
pacaur -y mpvc-git
pacman -Sy mpv gawk curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify
BSD (and pkg(1) based derivatives as FreeBSD, see FAQ):
pkg install -y mpv curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify # mpv-mpris
MacOS (and brew(1) based derivatives see FAQ):
brew install mpv curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify yt-dlp
Gentoo mpvc
emerge mpvc
Nix mpvc
nix-env -i mpvc
usage: mpvc opts # @version v1.6 (c) gmt4
-a | --add | add : Add media to playlist (see --load for stdin).
-r | --remove | rm : Remove media by id from playlist (see searchrm for rm by title)
-s | --stop | stop : Always stop playback.
-P | --play | play : Always start playback.
-p | --toggle : Toggle playback.
| --next : Jump to next entry in the playlist
| --prev : Jump to previous entry in the playlist
-i | --playlist : Print filenames of tracks to fit within terminal.
-I | --fullplaylist : Print all filenames of tracks in current playlist.
-v | --vol : Increase/decrease volume relative to current volume.
-h | --help : Prints the short help.
-H | --help-long : Prints the long help.
*tips: If unsure about where to begin, have a look at
usage: mpvc-tui opts # @version v1.6 (c) gmt4
-d|dir : Set the WD to the media directory given as argument
-n|notify : Desktop notification using notify on mpvc events (notify-send*)
-s|suggest : Suggest a random media to play based on previous media played
-S|scrobler: Starts the mpvc-tui scrobbler
-H|history : Starts the mpvc-tui history
-t|tui : Starts the mpvc-tui to manage the mpv playlist (rlwrap*)
-T|Tui : Combo that starts mpvc-tui -t -n, and adds media given as args
-x|launch : Starts mpvc-tui in a new xterm ($MPVC_TUI_TERM) # combine with <opts>
-v|version : Prints the mpvc-tui version.
*tips: If unsure about where to begin, start with: mpvc-tui -d /path/to/media/ -T
usage: mpvc-fzf opts # @version v1.6 (c) gmt4
-b|browse : Browse the provided ytdl-archive URL with fzf
-c|chapters : Start fzf to manage the current mpv chapterlist
-d|dir : Set the WD to the media directory given as argument
-e|eqz : Start fzf to manage the equalizer settings
-f|playlist : Start fzf to manage the current mpv playist
-g|fetch : Fetch the given YT URL, and store locally
-G|Fetch : Search on Invidious, fetch, and store locally
-i|lyrics : Search given media lyrics on Invidious
-k|dplay : Search & play DuckDuckGo videos
-K|dsearch : Search DuckDuckGo videos
-l|local : Search & play local media
-s|search : Search on Invidious
-p|splay : Search & play media found using Invidious
-y|related : Search related media on Invidious
-Y|Related : Search & play related media using Invidious
-x|launch : Starts mpvc-fzf in a new xterm (config $MPVC_TERM) [combine -x with other opts]
-v|version : Return the mpvc-fzf version.
now : Return a shareable URL to the now listening playlist
lofi : Search & play Lo-Fi channels
somafm : Search & play SomaFM channels
radioapi : Search & play Radio-Browser API channels
*tips: If unsure about where to begin, start: mpvc-fzf -p 'kupla mirage'
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