wip: This is work in progress. Converting to use generators and graphicsmagick-stream library. The uploading is handled by pkgcloud. The master branch and 1.0.0-alpha1 tag works only with s3.
Please use imager@0.4.0 which is stable. The 1.0.0-alpha releases are unstable and not recommended for production.
A node module to resize, crop and upload images (with different variants and presets) to the cloud.
- node >= 0.11.12 with
flag - You need to install libgraphicsmagicks.
Using osx
$ brew install graphicsmagick --build-from-source
Using ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libgraphicsmagick1-dev
$ npm install imager
Use a config file. For example imager-config.js
exports.variants = {
item: { // variant
thumb: { // preset
options: { // preset options
pool: 5,
scale: { width: 200, height: 150, type: 'contain' },
crop: { width: 200, height: 150, x: 0, y: 0 },
format: 'png',
rotate: 'auto',
large: {
original: true // upload original image without image processing
gallery: {
// ...
In the above config, item and gallery are variants. thumb and large are presets. Each preset has an options object which is a graphicsmagick-stream config object.
- An object that is passed to graphicsmagick. See what options are available here -
- A function that accepts an objectfile
as an argument. It has the following properties:name
. It is called before uploading each file.Example:
variants.item.thumb.rename = function (file) { return 'users/1/thumb/' + file.name; }; var imager = new Imager(variants.item, ...);
- A true value. If this option is set, the original image will be uploaded without any image processing.
exports.storages = {
local: {
provider: 'local',
path: '/tmp',
mode: 0777
rackspace: {
provider: 'rackspace',
username: process.env.IMAGER_RACKSPACE_USERNAME,
apiKey: process.env.IMAGER_RACKSPACE_KEY,
authUrl: 'https://lon.auth.api.rackspacecloud.com',
region: 'IAD', // https://github.com/pkgcloud/pkgcloud/issues/276
container: process.env.IMAGER_RACKSPACE_CONTAINER
amazon: {
provider: 'amazon',
key: process.env.IMAGER_S3_KEY,
keyId: process.env.IMAGER_S3_KEYID,
container: process.env.IMAGER_S3_BUCKET
var Imager = require('imager');
var config = require('./imager-config.js');
var imager = new Imager(config.variants.item, config.storages.amazon);
// You can also pass only the storage without a variant which will simply
// upload the original image
// new Imager(storages.amazon)
is an array of files or a single file. A file can be a file object, absolute file path pointing a local file or base64 encoded image data. callback
accepts err
and an object containing the array of uploaded images.
var config = require('./imager-config.js');
var imager = new Imager(config.variants.item, config.storages.amazon);
imager.upload(files, function (err, avatar) {
// avatar =>
// {
// thumb: [ 'https://fudge.s3.amazonaws.com/user/1/thumb/image-1.png', ],
// large: [ 'https://fudge.s3.amazonaws.com/user/1/large/image-1.png', ]
// }
is an array of files or a single file. A file should be the file name of the image on the storage. callback
accepts err
as an argument.
var config = require('./imager-config.js');
var imager = new Imager(config.storages.amazon);
var files = ['file-1.png']; // or just 'file-1.png'
imager.remove(files, function (err) {
$ npm test
- Support base64 image uploads
- Implement
- Test the api's for rackspace