Dream Camp Data Capture tool. Lets you collect information about student participation at DC.
This tool is the front end of a survey creation mechanism - think Google Forms. It eventually will be able to collect any kind of data on Volunteers, Students, Shelters, Events, etc. Right now its being done thru Google Forms, Sheets or Formad. Eventually, when this app matures, this will replace all of them.
This app is the front end of the survey system. It takes Survey details, questions, etc from the MAD DB using the API system. We are using Vuex to manage state when doing this.
- VueJS - JS Framework
- Vuex - State management system for Vue
- Vue Router - Router for Vue
- Axios - HTTP Client - for making AJAX calls
- Core-JS
- Bootstrap - UI Framework
- NProgress - Progress indicator plugin
- ESLint - Code style enforcing / linting.
- Etc.
You'll need the following things in your system to work on this project...
Git - Code Version control tool NPM - Package manager
Get a copy of the code on your system. You can do this by cloning this repository...
git clone git@github.com:makeadiff/dcdc.git
Install all the dependensies need for this project.
cd dcdc
npm install
To view the app in action, run this command...
npm run serve
We are looking for people who can help us flesh out this project. If you are interested in helping out, go to our Contributing page.