The Tall Tower Dataset is an open database aimed at boosting the use of hub-height wind observations from meteorological towers. The Tower2csv API automatically requests data to Tall Tower for a given input tower name, and then it reads and joins all netCDF into a single .CSV file, that can be downloaded.
Creating a virtual environment is strongly advisable to avoid errors when running the Tower2csv in your local machine. It can be done using the "virtualenv" library. You may use the following command lines in your terminal to install "virtualenv" and set up a new virtual environment:
pip install virtualenv
For creating a new virtual environment called "venv":
python -m venv venv
Now, for activating the new virtual environment:
Then, for installing the requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The web application can be run using the following command.
streamlit run .\
Moreover, you can also run it in your preferred IDE, using this command:
python .\
If running the Tower2csv in your IDE you have to set this input parameters in the file:
- tower_name = Tower name
- unzip_dir = Directory to extract the netCDF files
- save_file_path = Path to save the .csv file