Basic & Advanced Cloud Computing Exam Project
2023 - 2024
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Name | Surname | Student ID | UniTS mail | Google mail | Master |
Marco | Tallone | SM3600002 | marco.tallone@studenti.units.it | marcotallone85@gmail.com | SDIC |
The present repository contains the proposed solutions to the exam assignments of the Basic and Advanced Cloud Computing courses held at the University of Trieste (UniTS).
The project consists in the development and deployment of a cloud-based storage system, using the Nextcloud platform and two main cloud technologies: Docker and Kubernetes. For further details about the project, please refer to the assignment instruction in the cloud basic course repository and in the cloud advanced course repository.
Overall, the assignment consisted in
Exercise 1: Deployment of a cloud-based storage system using Docker Compose and Nextcloud.
Exercise 2: Deployment of the same cloud-based storage system, but using Kubernetes.
Exercise 3: Performance and latency evaluation using the OSU benchmark on a Kubernetes cluster.
Further details about the exercises, installation, usage and presentation of the proposed solutions can be found in the README
files of the respective folders and in the main report of the project, which also shows the results of the performance evaluation and discuss possible solution for a production-ready deployment of the system.
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