Create your own lifestream, take control of your data. Example:
- Ruby (tested with 1.8.7 and REE)
- Rails 3
- Cron (to poll for updates)
You use one or more of:
- Foursquare
- Flickr
- Google Reader
You know how to create an application/get an api key from sites requiring it, authorize your user account, and retrieve the various oauth tokens involved.
Clone rstream and install gems using bundler:
git clone bundle install
Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml - modifying with your database credentials, migrate:
rake db:migrate
Copy config/settings.yml.example to config/settings.yml - fill out the various options (leave account credentials blank to ignore it)
Run historic polling to go back in time and get as much data from services as possible (may take a while) from the console:
DeliciousBookmark.get_historic_bookmarks FlickrPhoto.get_historic_photos FoursquareCheckin.get_historic_checkins GoogleReaderShare.get_historic_shares TwitterStatus.get_historic_statuses
In your crontab, set entries for the services you want to poll and the intervals at which you want to poll them, in this case they are combined into a single bash file that is invoked every 5 minutes:
#!/bin/bash cd /path/to/app/root RAILS_ENV=production script/rails runner "DeliciousBookmark.get_new_bookmarks" RAILS_ENV=production script/rails runner "FlickrPhoto.get_new_photos" RAILS_ENV=production script/rails runner "FoursquareCheckin.get_new_checkins" RAILS_ENV=production script/rails runner "GoogleReaderShare.get_new_shares" RAILS_ENV=production script/rails runner "TwitterStatus.get_new_statuses"
*/5 * * * * sh /path/to/above/
Deploy: obviously if you want this available on the web you'll need to deploy it.
XML and JSON versions of your activities can be accessed at and
- Fork the project.
- Setup your development environment with: gem install bundler; bundle install
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Send me a pull request.
MIT License - See LICENSE for more details.