A curated list of awesome JupyterLab extensions and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python.
- Spellchecker - Spellchecker for markdown cells
- LaTeX - An extension for JupyterLab which allows for live-editing of LaTeX documents.
- DrawIO - An extension to draw diagrams in JupyterLab.
- Collapsable Headings - Allows to collapse an entire group of cells under the same header.
- Code Formatter - Easily beautifies Python code inside JupyterLab using one of the formatters: Black/YAPF/AutoPEP8.
- LSP - brings coding assistance features (code navigation, hover suggestions, linters, autocompletion, etc.) to JupyterLab
- Dash - Extension for the Interactive development of Dash apps in JupyterLab.
- Vim - Notebook cell vim bindings.
- Elyra - Create and run notebook pipelines locally or remotely
- JupyterHub - This adds a "Hub" menu to JupyterLab that allows a user to log out of JupyterHub or access their JupyterHub control panel.
- Git - Git extension
- GitHub - GitHub extension
- neptune-notebooks - An extension that lets you version, diff, and share your JupyterLab and Jupyter notebooks on neptune.ml.
- Bokeh - An extension rendering Bokeh content
- ipywidgets - Interactive widgets for the Jupyter Notebook
- fasta,geojson,katex,plotly,vega2 - Multiple package repo that consists of generic renderers for common file types and mime types as well as renderer extensions for JupyterLab.
- voyager - A JupyterLab MIME renderer extension to view CSV and JSON data in Voyager 2.
- Dash - An extension for rendering Plotly Dash apps as a separate window.
- ipysheet - Interactive spreadsheet in JupyterLab.
- Light - Default light-colored theme
- Dark - Default dark-colored theme
- Material Darker - Material Darker theme
- Darcula - Darcula theme with scrollbars, based on IntelliJ
- Atom Dark - Atom Dark theme
- AixViPMaP - AixViPMaP theme
- Gruvbox - Gruvbox theme
- lantern - Data exploration kit
- ML Workspace - All-in-one web IDE for machine learning and data science. Combines Jupyterlab, VS Code, Tensorflow, and many other tools/libraries into one Docker image.
- scriptedforms - Quickly create live-update GUIs for Python packages using Markdown and simple HTML elements.
- Variable inspector - Nice interactive variable inspector for your notebook
- Dask - Manage Dask clusters, as well as embed Dask's dashboard plots directly into JupyterLab panes.
- jupyterlab-autoplay - Run and hide code cells automatically when opening a notebook.
These extensions were incorporated into the JupyterLab distribution and no longer need to be installed separately. If you installed them previously you may want to uninstall those before upgrading:
Table of Contents(included by default in JupyterLab 3.0+) - Generates a table of content for your notebook and markdown documentsjupyterlab_debugger(included by default in JupyterLab 3.0+) - JupyterLab extension to allow visual debuggeing of Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files.jupyterlab_discovery(included by default in JupyterLab 0.33+) - A JupyterLab extension to facilitate the discovery and installation of other extensions
- https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab - Source
- https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - Documentation
- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jupyterlab - PyPI
- https://github.com/topics/jupyterlab
- https://github.com/topics/jupyterlab-extension
- https://github.com/adebar/awesome-jupyter
- https://github.com/quobit/awesome-python-in-education#jupyter
- https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter/wiki/a-gallery-of-interesting-jupyter-notebooks
Thanks goes out to the community that creates all of these plugins, learning resources and designs. This github repo is supported by y42.