Code to compute exact two- and three-neutrino oscillation probabilities using SU(2) and SU(3) expansions
In the works: We are working on optimizing the code to run faster, using Cython
- Basics
- Trivial example
- Oscillations in vacuum: fixed energy and baseline
- Three-neutrino oscillations in vacuum: fixed energy, varying baseline
- Three-neutrino oscillations in vacuum: fixed baseline, varying energy
- Three-neutrino oscillations in matter
- Three-neutrino oscillations in matter with non-standard interactions (NSI)
- Three-neutrino oscillations in a Lorentz invariance-violating (LIV) background
- Arbitrary Hamiltonians
NuOscProbExact is a Python implementation of the method developed by Ohlsson & Snellman to compute exact two-flavor and three-flavor neutrino oscillation probabilities for arbitrary time-independent Hamiltonians. The method was revisited and the code presented in the paper NuOscProbExact: a general-purpose code to compute exact two-flavor and three-flavor neutrino oscillation probabilities (arXiv:1904.12391), by Mauricio Bustamante.
The method relies on expansions of the Hamiltonian and time-evolution operators in terms of SU(2) and SU(3) matrices in order to obtain concise, analytical, and exact expressions for the probabilities, that are also easy to implement and evaluate. For details of the method, see the paper above.
NuOscProbExact was developed by Mauricio Bustamante. If you use it in your work, please follow the directions on Citing.
NuOscProbExact is fully written in Python 3. It uses standard modules that are available, sometimes by default, as part of most Python installations, either stand-alone or via Anaconda:
Bare minimum requirements: The two core modules (
) require onlynumpy
. These are the bare minimum requirements. -
To use the bundled sample Hamiltonians: The modules containing example Hamiltonians (
) require onlynumpy
, andcopy
To run the test suite: The modules containing the test suites (
) require onlynumpy
, andmatplotlib
Because NuOscProbExact is written fully in Python, no compilation or linking is necessary. The installation is simple and consists only in fetching the files from GitHub.
Python 2 compatibility: The code was written and tested using Python 3. Yet, because the core modules
use only native Python functions and popular modules, they might also run in Python 2. However, this is currently untested.
In the file system where you would like to install NuOscProbExact, go to the directory where you would like the code to be downloaded, e.g.,
cd /home/MyProjects
From there, fetch the code from the GitHub repository with
git clone
(Alternatively, you can download the zip file from GitHub and uncompress it.)
Doing this will create the directory
, with the following file structure:/NuOscProbExact/ The file that you are reading /NuOscProbExact/ Run this to execute all the examples and create test plots /NuOscProbExact/fig Contains plots generated by the test suite (initially empyty) /NuOscProbExact/img Contains two pre-computed plots displayed in ../prob_3nu_vacuum_vs_baseline_ee_em_et.png ../prob_3nu_vacuum_vs_energy_ee_em_et.png /NuOscProbExact/src Contains the main source files ../ Routines to compute example two-flavor Hamiltonians ../ Routines to compute example three-flavor Hamiltonians ../ Physical constants and unit-conversion constants ../ Routines to compute the two-flavor probabilities ../ Routines to compute the three-flavor probabilities /NuOscProbExact/test Contains the source files to run the test suite ../ Two-flavor trivial example ../ Two-flavor example for oscillations in vacuum ../ Two-flavor example for coefficients for oscillations in vacuum ../ Three-flavor example for oscillations with LIV ../ Three-flavor example for oscillations in matter ../ Three-flavor example for oscillations in matter with NSI ../ Three-flavor trivial example ../ Three-flavor example for oscillations in vacuum ../ Three-flavor example for coefficients for oscillations in vacuum ../ Routines to generate two-flavor probability test plots ../ Routines to generate three-flavor probability test plots ../ Routine to generate the two-flavor plot shown in the paper ../ Routine to generate the three-flavor plot shown in the paper
Now you are ready to start using NuOscProbExact.
(Optional, recommended) Run the examples Inside the directory
, we provide several example files to get you started. We also elaborate on these examples later in this README, and show the output thay you should expect from them. To run any of the examples, just execute, e.g.,python
Inspecting the example files and reading their description below will help you to learn how to use NuOscProbExact in your own project.
(Optional) Run the test suite
cd /home/MyProjects/NuOscProbExact python
Doing this will do the following:
- Generate plots of the two-neutrino and three-neutrino probabilities vs. distance and vs. energy, for different oscillation scenarios; and
- Generate the plots of two-neutrino and three-neutrino probabilities vs. energy that are included in the paper.
The plots are stored in the
directory. The
calls routines defined
, located in theNuOscProbExact/test/
directory. Inspecting these files may help you in coding your own project.
There are only two core modules:
. Each one is stand-alone (except for the dependencies described above). To use either module in your code, copy it to your project's working directory, or add their location to the paths where your environment looks for modules, e.g.,
import sys
In the examples below, we focus mostly on oscprob3nu
, but what we show applies to oscprob2nu
as well.
Most of the time, you will be only interested in computing oscillation probabilities, not in the intermediate steps of the method. The functions to compute and return the probabilities are probabilities_3nu
, for the three-neutrino case, and probabilities_2nu
, for the two-neutrino case. Below, we show how to use them.
The function to compute three-neutrino probabilities is probabilities_3nu
in the module oscprob3nu
. It takes as input parameters the hamiltonian
, in the form of a 3x3 Hermitian matrix, and the baseline L
This function returns the list of probabilities Pee
(nu_e --> nu_e), Pem
(nu_e --> nu_mu), Pet
(nu_e --> nu_tau), Pme
(nu_mu --> nu_e), Pmm
(nu_mu --> nu_mu), Pmt
(nu_mu --> nu_tau), Pte
(nu_tau --> nu_e), Ptm
(nu_tau --> nu_mu), and Ptt
(nu_tau --> nu_tau).
To use it, call
import oscprob3nu
hamiltonian = [[H11, H12, H13], [H21, H22, H23], [H31, H32, H33]]
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu(hamiltonian, L)
The function to compute two-neutrino probabilities is probabilities_2nu
in the module oscprob2nu
. It takes as input parameters the hamiltonian
, in the form of a 2x2 Hermitian matrix, and the baseline L
This function returns the list of probabilities Pee
(nu_e --> nu_e), Pem
(nu_e --> nu_mu), Pme
(nu_mu --> nu_e), and Pmm
(nu_mu --> nu_mu). (These probabilities could also be Pmm
, Pmt
, Pmt
, and Ptt
instead, depending on what Hamiltonian you pass to probabilities_2nu
To use it, call
import oscprob2nu
hamiltonian = [[H11, H12], [H21, H22]]
Pee, Pem, Pme, Pmm = oscprob2nu.probabilities_2nu(hamiltonian, L)
Important: If you feed the code a non-Hermitian matrix, it will output nonsensical results
About the units: The code in the modules
does not assume units for any of the model parameters, so you need to make sure that you pass values with the correct units. The moduleglobaldefs
contains conversion factors which might come in handy for this.
As a first, trivial example, we pass an arbitrary Hamiltonian and baseline to probabilities_3nu
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import oscprob3nu
hamiltonian = [
[1.0+0.0j, 0.0+2.0j, 0.0-1.0j],
[0.0-2.0j, 3.0+0.0j, 3.0+0.0j],
[0.0+1.0j, 3.0-0.0j, 5.0+0.0j]
L = 1.0
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu(hamiltonian, L)
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f, Pet = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem, Pet))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f, Pmt = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm, Pmt))
print("Pte = %6.5f, Ptm = %6.5f, Ptt = %6.5f" % (Pte, Ptm, Ptt))
This returns
Pee = 0.34273, Pem = 0.41369, Pet = 0.24358
Pme = 0.41369, Pmm = 0.00485, Pmt = 0.58146
Pte = 0.24358, Ptm = 0.58146, Ptt = 0.17497
As expected, Pme + Pmm + Pmt = 1
, and Pte + Ptm + Ptt = 1
In this case, we use probabilities_2nu
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import oscprob2nu
hamiltonian = [
[1.0+0.0j, 1.0+2.0j],
[1.0-2.0j, 3.0+0.0j]
L = 1.0
Pee, Pem, Pme, Pmm = oscprob2nu.probabilities_2nu(hamiltonian, L)
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm))
This returns
Pee = 0.93213, Pem = 0.06787
Pme = 0.06787, Pmm = 0.93213
As expected, Pem == Pme
and Pee + Pem = 1
Now we compute the three-neutrino oscillation probabilities in vacuum. To do this, we can use the routine
hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent(s12, s23, s13, dCP, D21, D31)
that is provided in the hamiltonians3nu
module. It returns the 3x3 Hamiltonian for oscillations in vacuum. The input parameters s12
, s23
, s13
, dCP
, D21
, and D31
are, respectively, sin(theta_12), sin(theta_23), sin(theta_13), delta_CP, Delta m_21^2, and Delta m_31^2. For this example, we set them to their current best-fit values, which we pull from globaldefs
(inspect that file for more information about these values).
Important: The function
returns the Hamiltonian in vacuum without multiplying it by the 1/E prefactor, where E is the neutrino energy. It was done in this way so that, if we wish to compute the probabilities at different energies, we need to computehamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent
only once, and then multiply it by a varying 1/E prefactor.
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import numpy as np
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
# Use the NuFit 4.0 best-fit values of the mixing parameters pulled from globaldefs
# NO means "normal ordering"; change NO to IO if you want to use inverted ordering
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( \
S12_NO_BF, S23_NO_BF,
D21_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
h_vacuum = np.multiply(1./energy, h_vacuum_energy_indep)
# CONV_KM_TO_INV_EV is pulled from globaldefs; it converts km to eV^{-1}
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu( h_vacuum,
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f, Pet = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem, Pet))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f, Pmt = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm, Pmt))
print("Pte = %6.5f, Ptm = %6.5f, Ptt = %6.5f" % (Pte, Ptm, Ptt))
This returns
Pee = 0.92768, Pem = 0.01432, Pet = 0.05800
Pme = 0.04023, Pmm = 0.37887, Pmt = 0.58090
Pte = 0.03210, Ptm = 0.60680, Ptt = 0.36110
Computing anti-neutrino probabilities: All of the examples shown in this README (and in the files inside the
directory) are for neutrinos, not anti-neutrinos. If you wish to compute probabilities for anti-neutrinos, a simple way to do this is to pass-dCP
instead ofdCP
(or tohamiltonian_2nu_vacuum_energy_independent
: This module contains physical constants and unit-conversion constants that are used in the examples and that you can use in your code.
Sometimes, you might be interested also in returning the coefficients h1
, ..., h8
of the expansion of the Hamiltonian in terms of Gell-Mann matrices (Table II in the paper), the coefficients u0
, ..., u8
of the SU(3) expansion of the associated time-evolution operator (Eqs. (13) and (14) in the paper), or the time-evolution operator evol_operator
itself, as a 3x3 matrix (Eq. (15) in the paper). See the paper arXiv:1904.12391 for details on these quantities.
The module oscprob3nu
has functions to do this:
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import numpy as np
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( \
S12_NO_BF, S23_NO_BF,
D21_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
h_vacuum = np.multiply(1./energy, h_vacuum_energy_indep)
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8 = oscprob3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_coefficients(h_vacuum)
print('h1: {:.4e}'.format(h1))
print('h2: {:.4e}'.format(h2))
print('h3: {:.4e}'.format(h3))
print('h4: {:.4e}'.format(h4))
print('h5: {:.4e}'.format(h5))
print('h6: {:.4e}'.format(h6))
print('h7: {:.4e}'.format(h7))
print('h8: {:.4e}'.format(h8))
u0, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8 = oscprob3nu.evolution_operator_3nu_u_coefficients( \
print('u0: {:.4f}'.format(u0))
print('u1: {:.4f}'.format(u1))
print('u2: {:.4f}'.format(u2))
print('u3: {:.4f}'.format(u3))
print('u4: {:.4f}'.format(u4))
print('u5: {:.4f}'.format(u5))
print('u6: {:.4f}'.format(u6))
print('u7: {:.4f}'.format(u7))
print('u8: {:.4f}'.format(u8))
evol_operator = oscprob3nu.evolution_operator_3nu(h_vacuum, baseline*CONV_KM_TO_INV_EV)
print('U3 = ')
with np.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True):
This returns
h1: -1.0187e-13
h2: -8.4997e-14
h3: -3.4583e-13+0.0000e+00j
h4: -1.0848e-13
h5: -7.2033e-14
h6: 5.9597e-13
h7: 1.5392e-15
h8: -8.2865e-14+0.0000e+00j
u0: -0.3794+0.5072j
u1: 0.0318+0.1167j
u2: -0.0257+0.1095j
u3: -0.1270+0.4507j
u4: -0.1066+0.1569j
u5: -0.0217+0.0928j
u6: 0.1383-0.7580j
u7: 0.0093-0.0040j
u8: -0.0323+0.1084j
[[-0.893+0.362j -0.142+0.141j -0.179-0.014j]
[-0.091-0.078j 0.009+0.615j 0.767+0.134j]
[-0.135-0.199j 0.749+0.142j -0.254+0.545j]]
To compute the two-neutrino oscillation probabilities in vacuum, we can use the routine
hamiltonian_2nu_vacuum_energy_independent(sth, Dm2)
that is provided in the hamiltonians2nu
module. The input parameters sth
, and Dm2
are, respectively, sin(theta), and Delta m^2. For this example, we set them to current best-fit values for atmospheric neutrinos.
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import numpy as np
import oscprob2nu
import hamiltonians2nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians2nu.hamiltonian_2nu_vacuum_energy_independent(S23_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
h_vacuum = np.multiply(1./energy, h_vacuum_energy_indep)
Pee, Pem, Pme, Pmm = oscprob2nu.probabilities_2nu(h_vacuum, baseline*CONV_KM_TO_INV_EV)
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm))
This returns
Pee = 0.29595, Pem = 0.70405
Pme = 0.70405, Pmm = 0.29595
Like in the three-neutrino case, we can also return the coefficients h1
, h2
, h3
of the expansion of the Hamiltonian in terms of Pauli matrices (Table I in the paper), or the time-evolution operator evol_operator
itself, as a 2x2 matrix (Eq. (5) in the paper).
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import numpy as np
import oscprob2nu
import hamiltonians2nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians2nu.hamiltonian_2nu_vacuum_energy_independent(S23_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
h_vacuum = np.multiply(1./energy, h_vacuum_energy_indep)
h1, h2, h3 = oscprob2nu.hamiltonian_2nu_coefficients(h_vacuum)
print('h1: {:.4e}'.format(h1))
print('h2: {:.4e}'.format(h2))
print('h3: {:.4e}'.format(h3))
evol_operator = oscprob2nu.evolution_operator_2nu(h_vacuum, baseline*CONV_KM_TO_INV_EV)
print('U2 = ')
with np.printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True):
This returns
h1: -6.2270e-13
h2: -0.0000e+00
h3: -1.0352e-13
U2 =
[[-0.526-0.139j -0. -0.839j]
[ 0. -0.839j -0.526+0.139j]]
Now we fix the energy at, say, 10 MeV, and vary the baseline between 1 and 500 km. We use a fine grid in L
so that the oscillations are clearly rendered.
import numpy as np
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e7 # Neutrino energy [eV]
# Baselines, L
log10_l_min = 0.0 # log10 [km]
log10_l_max = 3.0 # log10 [km]
log10_l_npts = 1000
log10_l_val = np.linspace(log10_l_min, log10_l_max, log10_l_npts) # [km]
l_val = [10.**x for x in log10_l_val]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( \
S12_NO_BF, S23_NO_BF,
D21_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
h_vacuum = np.multiply(1./energy, h_vacuum_energy_indep)
# Each element of prob: [Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt]
prob = [oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu(h_vacuum, CONV_KM_TO_INV_EV*l) for l in l_val]
prob_ee = [x[0] for x in prob] # Pee
prob_em = [x[1] for x in prob] # Pem
prob_et = [x[2] for x in prob] # Pet
To plot the data:
from pylab import *
from matplotlib import *
import matplotlib as mpl
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[9,9])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(l_val, prob_ee, label=r'$P_{\nu_e \to \nu_e}$', color='C0', zorder=1)
ax.plot(l_val, prob_em, label=r'$P_{\nu_e \to \nu_\mu}$', color='C1', zorder=1)
ax.plot(l_val, prob_et, label=r'$P_{\nu_e \to \nu_\tau}$', color='C2', zorder=1)
ax.set_xlabel(r'Baseline $L$ [km]', fontsize=25)
ax.set_ylabel(r'Three-neutrino probability', fontsize=25)
ax.legend(loc='center left', frameon=False)
ax.set_xlim([10.**log10_l_min, 10.**log10_l_max])
ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
Alternatively, you can automatically produce plots of probability vs. baseline using the following function from the oscprob3nu_tests
import oscprob3nu_tests
case = 'vacuum'
case, energy=1.e-2,
log10_l_min=0.0, log10_l_max=3.0, log10_l_npts=1000,
plot_prob_ee=True, plot_prob_em=True, plot_prob_et=True,
plot_prob_me=False, plot_prob_mm=False, plot_prob_mt=False,
plot_prob_te=False, plot_prob_tm=False, plot_prob_tt=False,
output_filename='prob_3nu_vacuum_vs_baseline_ee_em_et', output_format='png',
legend_loc='center left', legend_ncol=1, path_save='../fig/')
The function plot_probability_3nu_vs_baseline
assumes that energy
is in GeV and the (log10) of the baselines log10_l_min
and log_l_max
are in km. The function call above produces the following plot:
The parameter case
can take any of the following values:
: for oscillations in vacuum, assuming the default values of mixing parameters from theglobaldefs
: for oscillations in constant matter, assuming the density of the Earth's crust as set inglobaldefs
: for oscillations in matter with non-standard interactions, with the NSI strengh parameters fixed to the default values inglobaldefs
: for oscillations in a CPT-odd Lorentz invariance-violating (LIV) background, with the LIV parameters fixed to the default values inglobaldefs
For more information about these cases, see the paper arXiv:1904.12391. For more information about how to use plot_probability_3nu_vs_baseline
, see the documentation of the function in the oscprob3nu_tests
Now we fix the baseline at, say, 1300 km, and vary the energy between 100 MeV and 10 GeV.
import numpy as np
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
baseline = baseline*CONV_KM_TO_INV_EV # [eV^{-1}]
# Neutrino energies
log10_energy_min = -1.0 # [GeV]
log10_energy_max = 1.0 # [GeV]
log10_energy_npts = 200
log10_energy = np.linspace( log10_energy_min,
energy = [10.**x for x in log10_energy] # [GeV]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( \
S12_NO_BF, S23_NO_BF,
D21_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
# Each element of prob: [Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt]
prob = [oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu(np.multiply(1./x/1.e9, h_vacuum_energy_indep), baseline) \
for x in energy]
prob_ee = [x[0] for x in prob] # Pee
prob_em = [x[1] for x in prob] # Pem
prob_et = [x[2] for x in prob] # Pet
To plot the data:
from pylab import *
from matplotlib import *
import matplotlib as mpl
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[9,9])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(energy, prob_ee, label=r'$P_{\nu_e \to \nu_e}$', color='C0', zorder=1)
ax.plot(energy, prob_em, label=r'$P_{\nu_e \to \nu_\mu}$', color='C1', zorder=1)
ax.plot(energy, prob_et, label=r'$P_{\nu_e \to \nu_\tau}$', color='C2', zorder=1)
ax.set_xlabel(r'Neutrino energy $E$ [GeV]', fontsize=25)
ax.set_ylabel(r'Three-neutrino probability', fontsize=25)
ax.legend(loc='center right', frameon=False)
ax.set_xlim([10.**log10_energy_min, 10.**log10_energy_max])
ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
Alternatively, you can automatically produce plots of probability using the following function from the oscprob3nu_tests
import oscprob3nu_tests
case = 'vacuum'
case, baseline=1.e3,
log10_energy_min=-1.0, log10_energy_max=1.0, log10_energy_npts=200,
plot_prob_ee=True, plot_prob_em=True, plot_prob_et=True,
plot_prob_me=False, plot_prob_mm=False, plot_prob_mt=False,
plot_prob_te=False, plot_prob_tm=False, plot_prob_tt=False,
output_filename='prob_3nu_vacuum_vs_energy_ee_em_et', output_format='png',
legend_loc='center right', legend_ncol=1, path_save='../fig/')
The function plot_probability_3nu_vs_energy
assumes that baseline
is in km and the (log10) of the energies log10_energy_min
and log10_energy_max
are in GeV. The function call above produces the following plot:
The parameter case
can take any of the same values as listed above.
For oscillation in matter, we proceed in an analogous way as for oscillations in vacuum. To compute the Hamiltonian in matter, we can use the routine hamiltonian_matter
in the module hamiltonians3nu
. First, we need to compute the energy-independent h_vacuum_energy_independent
, and then pass it to hamiltonian_3nu_matter
, together with the energy
and the neutrino-electron charged-current potential VCC
, with V_CC = sqrt(2.0) * G_F * n_e. This routine is called as:
hamiltonian_3nu_matter(h_vacuum_energy_independent, energy, VCC)
In the example below, we set the matter potential to VCC_EARTH_CRUST
, which is computed using the averaage electron density of the crust of the Earth (3 g cm^{-3}), and is read from globaldefs
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( \
S12_NO_BF, S23_NO_BF,
D21_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
# Units of VCC_EARTH_CRUST: [eV]
h_matter = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_matter(h_vacuum_energy_indep, energy, VCC_EARTH_CRUST)
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu( h_matter,
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f, Pet = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem, Pet))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f, Pmt = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm, Pmt))
print("Pte = %6.5f, Ptm = %6.5f, Ptt = %6.5f" % (Pte, Ptm, Ptt))
This returns
Pee = 0.95262, Pem = 0.00623, Pet = 0.04115
Pme = 0.02590, Pmm = 0.37644, Pmt = 0.59766
Pte = 0.02148, Ptm = 0.61733, Ptt = 0.36119
For oscillation in matter with NSI, we can use the routine hamiltonian_3nu_nsi
in the module hamiltonians3nu
. First, we need to compute h_vacuum_energy_independent
, and then pass it to hamiltonian_nsi
, together with energy
, and a vector eps
containing the NSI strength parameters, i.e.,
eps = [eps_ee, eps_em, eps_et, eps_mm, eps_mt, eps_tt]
This routine is called as
hamiltonian_3nu_nsi(h_vacuum_energy_independent, energy, VCC, eps)
In the example below, we set eps
to its default value EPS_3
pulled from globaldefs
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( \
S12_NO_BF, S23_NO_BF,
D21_NO_BF, D31_NO_BF)
# EPS_3 is the 3x3 matrix of NSI strength parameters, read from globaldefs; see that file for the values
h_nsi = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_nsi(h_vacuum_energy_indep, energy, VCC_EARTH_CRUST, EPS_3)
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu( h_nsi,
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f, Pet = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem, Pet))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f, Pmt = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm, Pmt))
print("Pte = %6.5f, Ptm = %6.5f, Ptt = %6.5f" % (Pte, Ptm, Ptt))
This returns
Pee = 0.92494, Pem = 0.01758, Pet = 0.05749
Pme = 0.03652, Pmm = 0.32524, Pmt = 0.63824
Pte = 0.03855, Ptm = 0.65718, Ptt = 0.30427
For oscillation LIV, we can use the routine hamiltonian_3nu_liv
in the module hamiltonians3nu
. As before, first, we need to compute h_vacuum_energy_independent
, and then pass it to hamiltonian_3nu_liv
, together with energy
and the following LIV parameters: sxi12
(sin(xi_12)), sxi23
(sin(xi_23)), sxi13
(sin(xi_13)), dxiCP
(new CP-violation phase), b1
(first eigenvalue of the LIV operator), b2
(second eigenvalue), b3
(third eigenvalue), and Lambda
(energy scale of LIV).
This routine is called as
hamiltonian_3nu_liv(h_vacuum_energy_independent, energy, sxi12, sxi23, sxi13, dxiCP, b1, b2, b3, Lambda)
In the example below, we set the LIV parameters to their default values pulled from globaldefs
# Find this example in NuOscProbExact/test/
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( S12_BF, S23_BF,
D21_BF, D31_BF)
# The values of the LIV parameters (SXI12, SXI23, SXI13, DXICP, B1, B2, B3, LAMBDA) are read
# from globaldefs
h_liv = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_liv(h_vacuum_energy_indep, energy,
B1, B2, B3, LAMBDA)
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu( h_liv,
print("Pee = %6.5f, Pem = %6.5f, Pet = %6.5f" % (Pee, Pem, Pet))
print("Pme = %6.5f, Pmm = %6.5f, Pmt = %6.5f" % (Pme, Pmm, Pmt))
print("Pte = %6.5f, Ptm = %6.5f, Ptt = %6.5f" % (Pte, Ptm, Ptt))
This returns
Pee = 0.92721, Pem = 0.05299, Pet = 0.01980
Pme = 0.05609, Pmm = 0.25288, Pmt = 0.69103
Pte = 0.01670, Ptm = 0.69412, Ptt = 0.28917
Of course, you can supply your custom Hamiltonian and compute the associated oscillation probabilities; see Trivial example above. Usually, you will want to add an extra term from your preferred model to the vacuum Hamiltonian. To do that, take a cue from the examples above.
In the following example, the function hamiltonian_mymodel
, supplied by you, should return a 3x3 matrix:
import oscprob3nu
import hamiltonians3nu
from globaldefs import *
energy = 1.e9 # Neutrino energy [eV]
baseline = 1.3e3 # Baseline [km]
h_vacuum_energy_indep = hamiltonians3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_vacuum_energy_independent( S12_BF, S23_BF,
D21_BF, D31_BF)
h_vacuum = np.multiply(1./energy, h_vacuum_energy_indep)
h_mymodel = h_vacuum + hamiltonian_mymodel(mymodel_parameters)
Pee, Pem, Pet, Pme, Pmm, Pmt, Pte, Ptm, Ptt = oscprob3nu.probabilities_3nu( h_mymodel,
Though we do not show it here, hamiltonian_mymodel
could also depend on energy
. The code for two-neutrino oscillations is analogous, but hamiltonian_mymodel
should return a 2x2 matrix instead.
All of the modules provided in NuOscProbExact have been documented using Python docstrings. These are human-readable by opening the source .py
files. Alternatively, they can be printed from within an interactive Python session.
To view the documentation of a module from within an interactive Python session, run, e.g.,
import oscprob3nu
This will print to screen a description of what the module does (in this example, oscprob3nu
) and a list of the functions that it contains, including a description of each.
To view the documentation of a particular function from within an interactive Python session, run, e.g.,
import oscprob3nu
This will print to screen a description of what the function does (in the example above, oscprob3nu.hamiltonian_3nu_coefficients
), a list and description of its input parameters, and a description of the values that it returns.
If you use NuOscProbExact in your work, we ask you that you please cite the following paper: Mauricio Bustamante, NuOscProbExact: a general-purpose code to compute exact two-flavor and three-flavor neutrino oscillation probabilities (arXiv:1904.12391).
If you are citing NuOscProbExact in a document that will be uploaded to the arXiv, please consider using the LaTeX or BibTeX entries provided by INSPIRE (link here):
author = "Bustamante, Mauricio",
title = "{NuOscProbExact: a general-purpose code to compute
exact two-flavor and three-flavor neutrino
oscillation probabilities}",
year = "2019",
eprint = "1904.12391",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ph",
SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1904.12391;%%"