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ShareZoneApp is a mobile application designed to enhance users' social media experience. It offers basic features such as posting, commenting, and receiving notifications. With its sleek design, it boosts engagement and strengthens social connections.

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ShareZoneApp is a modern and innovative mobile application designed to enhance users' social media experience to the fullest. The platform combines essential social media features such as sharing posts, leaving comments, sending likes, receiving notifications, and updating profiles in one seamless package. Additionally, with its sleek design and user-friendly interface, the app offers personalized notifications and an enjoyable way to interact on social media. ShareZoneApp not only allows individuals to consume content but also empowers them to create unique posts and reach a broader audience. This platform strengthens social connections while providing a safe and engaging environment where everyone can express themselves freely and creatively.


  • User registration and login processes (with email and password verification).
  • Sharing and deleting posts.
  • Commenting on and liking posts.
  • Notifications for likes and comments.
  • Updating profile information.
  • Stylish and user-friendly design.

Technologies and Tools

Main technologies and tools used in this project:

  • React Native (Expo): Mobile application development.
  • TypeScript: A type-safe code base.
  • Supabase: Real-time database and user authentication.
  • Git: Version control system.
  • ESLint & Prettier: Maintaining code quality and formatting.
  • Storybook: Developing and documenting components in isolation.
  • Husky, Commitlint & Lint-staged: Automatic checking of commit messages and code changes.
  • GitHub Workflow: Automated processing for ESLint and Prettier.
  • Yarn: Package manager.
  • Google Generative API: Present tense control for commit messages.

Screen Recording

The video below shows the app's key features and user interactions:


Installation and Operation

To run the project in a local environment, follow the steps below:

1. Required Tools

  • Node.js (v22 or above)
  • Yarn (for dependency management)
  • Supabase account and project keys
  • Google Generative AI Api Key

2. Clone Repository

cd ShareZoneApp

3. Install Dependencies

yarn install

4. Set Environment Variables

Add the Supabase and Google Generative API keys required for the project to the .env file:

# Supabase Environment Variables

# Google Generative AI API Key

5. Launch the App

yarn start

Project Structure

  /assets       # Application icons and font files
  /components   # Reusable components (Buttons, Cards, etc.)
  /contexts     # React Context definitions
  /navigations  # App navigation configurations
  /screens      # Different screens (Login, Profile, Home, etc.)
  /services     # API and Supabase connections
  /supabase     # Supabase related operations and configurations
  /utils        # Auxiliary functions

Supabase Database Schema

For the application to work, create the following tables in Supabase:


Column Name Data Type Description
id uuid User ID (primary key)
created_at timestamp User creation time
user_name text User Name
image text Profile picture URL
bio text User biography
email text User email address
address text Address information
phone_number text Phone Number


Column Name Data Type Description
id uuid Post ID (primary key)
created_at timestamp Post creation time
body text Post content
file text Post file URL (image/video)
user_id uuid The user ID that created the post

Foreign Key Relations:



Column Name Data Type Description
id uuid Comment ID (primary key)
created_at timestamp Comment creation time
text text Comment content
user_id uuid User ID who made the comment
post_id uuid Commented post ID

Foreign Key Relations:



Column Name Data Type Description
id uuid Like ID (primary key)
created_at timestamp Like creation time
user_id uuid User ID who made the like
post_id uuid Liked post ID

Foreign Key Relations:



Column Name Data Type Description
id uuid Notification ID (primary key)
created_at timestamp Notification creation time
title text Notification title
data text Notification content
sender_id uuid User ID who sent the notification
receiver_id uuid User ID who received the notification

Foreign Key Relations:


Table Relationships Overview

  1. Users → Posts: A user can create multiple posts.
  2. Users → Comments: A user can make more than one comment.
  3. Users → Likes: A user can like more than once.
  4. Posts → Comments: A post can have multiple comments.
  5. Posts → Likes: A post can receive multiple likes.



  • Foreign key definitions ensure that relationships are established correctly in Supabase. You can easily define foreign keys via the Supabase interface.
  • These structures are critical for relational queries and real-time updates on the backend of the application.


To contribute to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch. (git checkout -b feature)
  3. Make your changes and commit. (git commit -m "feat(scope): add new feature")
  4. Open a pull request.


ShareZoneApp is a mobile application designed to enhance users' social media experience. It offers basic features such as posting, commenting, and receiving notifications. With its sleek design, it boosts engagement and strengthens social connections.







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