Sachet (or सचेत) is Hindi for conscious. Sachet is an SMS alerting tool for the Prometheus Alertmanager.
There are many SMS providers and Alertmanager supporting all of them would make the code noisy. To get around this issue a new service needed to be created dedicated only for SMS.
An HTTP API that accepts Alertmanager webhook calls and allows an end-user to configure it for the SMS provider of their dreams.
First get it
$ go get
And then running Sachet is as easy as executing sachet
on the command line.
$ sachet
Use the -h
flag to get help information.
$ sachet -h
Usage of sachet:
-config string
The configuration file (default "config.yaml")
-listen-address string
The address to listen on for HTTP requests. (default ":9876")
Sachet expects a JSON object from Alertmanager. The format of this JSON is described in the Alertmanager documentation, or, alternatively, in the Alertmanager GoDoc.
To quickly test Sachet is working you can also run:
$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"receiver": "team-sms", "status": "firing", "alerts": [{"status": "firing", "labels": {"alertname": "test-123"} }], "commonLabels": {"key": "value"}}' \
To enable Sachet you need to configure a webhook in Alertmanager. You can do that by adding a webhook receiver to your Alertmanager configuration.
- name: 'team-sms'
- url: 'http://localhost:9876/alert'
Sachet supports Alertmanager-like templates for message content. You can do that by simply copying Alertmanager templates to Sachet. Some templates examples can be found in the Alertmanager documentation as well as available variables.
- /etc/sachet/notifications.tmpl
- name: 'team-telegram'
provider: telegram
text: '{{ template "telegram_message" . }}'
{{ define "telegram_title" }}[{{ .Status | toUpper }}{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}:{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}{{ end }}] {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} @ {{ .CommonLabels.identifier }} {{ end }}
{{ define "telegram_message" }}
{{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 }}
*Alerts Firing:*
{{ range .Alerts.Firing }}• {{ .Labels.instance }}: {{ .Annotations.description }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ if gt (len .Alerts.Resolved) 0 }}
*Alerts Resolved:*
{{ range .Alerts.Resolved }}• {{ .Labels.instance }}: {{ .Annotations.description }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ define "telegram_text" }}{{ template "telegram_title" .}}
{{ template "telegram_message" . }}{{ end }}
Sachet is licensed under The BSD 2-Clause License. Copyright (c) 2016, MessageBird