- access over ssh to remote server hosting web app
- web app already served using nginx(https://nginx.org/en/docs/)
- code of the web app stored in Github repository
If you don't have curl installed, run
sudo apt install curl
Download installation script using curl
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michalakadam/angular-build-deploy-tool/master/install.sh -o ./install_angular_build_deploy_tool.sh
Make the installation script executable by running
chmod u+x ./install_angular_build_deploy_tool.sh
Run the installation script by typing
Fill all the required information when prompted by the installation script.
After successful installation, tool is ready.
Now everytime you want to deploy commited and pushed changes to the remote server type (in source code directory)
If everything goes well, you can see your local changes in the deployed webapp.
-nt, --no-tests
skip unit tests execution
Check out my article on hosting Angular web app on remote server
Do you have any problems with running this program?
Do you see any way this project can be improved?
Don't hestitate to write an email to adam.michalak.dev@gmail.com