PPK is a library that allows you to read data files in simple C-like format. Documentation is available on http://dekakaruk.github.io/PPK.
While in main directory type:
make doc # if you want a documentation
make install
The only dependency is Boost. If you want also a documentation, you need Doxygen too. It will be in the "html" directory.
# empty nodes, their type is Null
null2 {}
null3 = {}
null4 = []
# some scalars
a-bool = true
some_float = 83.2
hexadecimal_int optional-id = 0xff00ff
"iee 754 stuff" some_name = -inf
some_string = "Bwahahahahahah\t\t\t\n\n \\ \"!@#$%^&\""
# some lists
a_vector = 200, 400
a_vector = 400, 231
big_list = a, true, 42, 0.2, [a, b, c], {var = x var = y another_var = z}
'also list' = [123, 233, 655]
# some groups
Tree larch {
var = 3
var = 7
var with_identifier = 4
Tree oak {
var = 3
var = 7
var with_identifier = 4
Tree some_other {
var = 3
var = 7
var with_identifier = 4
Settings {
setting1 = "aaaaaaa"
setting2 = 7
setting3 = nan, inf, nan
ppk::FS fs;
if (!fs.read("some_file.cl"))
std::cout << fs.getError();
return false;
ppk::Node & root = fs.getRoot();
bool a = root["a-bool"];
int b = root["big_list"][2];
float c = root("nonexisting float", 7.0); // returns default value
for (auto & node : root.only("Tree"))
std::cout << node.getIdentifier() << "\n";
root["big_list"][0] = "some string";
root.emplace("name of new node") = 4;
- Custom types, hexadecimal integers, special floating-point values: inf, -inf, nan
- Nested variable groups, with multiple occurences allowed
- Lists, in nice, comma separated format
- Each variable can have an identifier
- Line comments, starting with '#'
- Parsing all files in directory and it's subdirectories
- Getters take and use default values
- Validity checker
- Includes
- Nodes should remember their file and position
- Simple configuration