Spplication to convert bird sound analysis made with BirdNET into a more usable format:
- Excel file with sheets for
- Predictions with filename, and position in h:mm:ss format, to make finding the sound eaier
- Number of predictions per species above given threshold, to allow seeing what are the common vs. less common species
- HTML report page with five audio clips of each species. This makes it easy to check if predictions for each species is reliable or not.
git clone https://github.com/mikkohei13/baim.git
apt install python3.10-venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
(install Tkinter)
source .venv/bin/activate
- Analyze audio files with BirdNET
- Have birdNET result files in a root directory and audio files in Data directory
- Set path to directory to handle_files.py
- Run ´python3 handle_files.py´
Setup Python on Windows
Set Python to Powershell profile
Copy files to Windows (no subdirectories): ´cp ./baim/* /mnt/c/Users/mikko/Documents/compile/´
With Powershell:
- Install requirements: ´pip install -r requirements.txt´
- Compile the app:
pyinstaller --windowed --onefile app.py --add-data "C:/Users/mikko/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Lib/site-packages/librosa/util/example_data/registry.txt;librosa/util/example_data" --add-data "C:/Users/mikko/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Lib/site-packages/librosa/util/example_data/index.json;librosa/util/example_data" --add-data "baim-icon.png;." --distpath "C:/Users/mikko/Desktop/" --hidden-import "sklearn.metrics._pairwise_distances_reduction._datasets_pair" --hidden-import "sklearn.metrics._pairwise_distances_reduction._middle_term_computer"
Creating audio snippets & spectrograms of species
- Have list of non-finnish species
- Have a prediction dataframe
- Filter confidence >= 0.9
- Set empty dict for predictions-to-check
- Set empty dict with scientific name as key, count as value
- Loop rows
- If species has < 5 occurrences in names dict
- If species is not non-finnish
- Add to preditions dict
- Add tp names dict
- If species is not non-finnish
- If species has < 5 occurrences in names dict
- Filter confidence <= 0.7
- Do same loop as above
- Now we have dict of max 5 snippets per species
- Sort by scientific name asc, confidence asc (or time asc?)
- Loop the dict
- Get start time & end time
- Set cut_start == start - 5, cut_end == end + 5.
- If cut_start < 0, set cut_start == 0
- If cut_end > audio file len, set cut_end == len
- Cut audio snippet from cut_start to cut_end
- Make spectrogram, with width based on length in seconds
- Save audio and spectro in report file
- Generate html for the snippet, using
- audio
- spectro
- species, confidence
- filename
- times (also in ISO format that Vihko uses)
- Save html report
- BirdNET files are in the csv format provided by birdnet
- All audio files have same file extension. This can be wav, mp3 or flac
- Audio filenames are in format created by Audiomoth (3 versions) or Wildlife Acoustics SM4
DONE: Randomixe dataframe order before picking segments? To avoid having 5+ segments of the same local bird.
To get most probable identifications, sort by confidence desc. To get a sample of all identifications above the threshold, shuffle, to get good idea of the variety.
Exceliin sarakkeiksi myös: Laji - Määritys Määrä - Havainto Pesimävarmuusindeksi - Havainto Lisätiedot - Havainto Kokoelma/Avainsanat - Havainto
Filter low-frequency noise, unless predicted species has low frequency (botste, owls...)