Implementation of "Peak alignment of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data with deep learning" -
This model uses a deep neural network for the alignment of Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) peaks. It utilises a siamese network architecture to compare the mass spectra, chromatogram and information extracted about each peak, such as the retention time corresponding to maximum intensity.
It provides good alignment results for complex data sets, such as the human breath.
The scripts have been tested under Python 3.6.1, with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):
- tensorflow==1.8.0
- keras==2.1.3
Preprocessed GC-MS data, saved models and prediction outcomes can be found at
Models are trained and saved using and predictions are made using the saved models with The alignment outcomes can be visualised with Various parameters to control the training and prediction process is set in
To train the model using new data, peaks need to be first extracted using the peak detection algorithm provided at
Mike at