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Security best practices in Amazon API Gateway

Mystique Corp us buiding a stealth p-kon app. This app is a containerized microservice made of many APIs. As the app handles Personally Identifiable Information(PII) data, they intend to secure their api and do not want to expose it to the internet. Ideally the APIs should be accessible from within their own corporate networks only; All other access to the APIs should be denied.

The following picture represents a sample public api, that is to be avoided.

Miztiik Asynchronous Messaging with AWS Lambda

To achieve this enhanced security, We can deploy the api as an PRIVATE endpoint. Amazon API Gateway private endpoints enable you to build private API–based services inside your own VPCs. You can now keep both the frontend to your API (API Gateway) and the backend service (Lambda, EC2, ECS, etc.) private inside your VPC. In additon to these, we can also add a security group to our APIs to restrict them access from certain IP/Ports.

Miztiik Serverless API Authorization

In this article, we will build the above architecture. using Cloudformation generated using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). The architecture has been designed in a modular way so that we can build them individually and integrate them together. The prerequisites to build this architecture are listed below

  1. 🧰 Prerequisites

    This demo, instructions, scripts and cloudformation template is designed to be run in us-east-1. With few modifications you can try it out in other regions as well(Not covered here).

    • 🛠 AWS CLI Installed & Configured - Get help here
    • 🛠 AWS CDK Installed & Configured - Get help here
    • 🛠 Python Packages, Change the below commands to suit your OS, the following is written for amzn linux 2
      • Python3 - yum install -y python3
      • Python Pip - yum install -y python-pip
      • Virtualenv - pip3 install virtualenv
  2. ⚙️ Setting up the environment

    • Get the application code

      git clone
      cd secure-private-api
  3. 🚀 Prepare the dev environment to run AWS CDK

    We will cdk to be installed to make our deployments easier. Lets go ahead and install the necessary components.

    # If you DONT have cdk installed
    npm install -g aws-cdk
    # Make sure you in root directory
    python3 -m venv .env
    source .env/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    The very first time you deploy an AWS CDK app into an environment (account/region), you’ll need to install a bootstrap stack, Otherwise just go ahead and deploy using cdk deploy.

    cdk bootstrap
    cdk ls
    # Follow on screen prompts

    You should see an output of the available stacks,

  4. 🚀 Deploying the application

    Let us walk through each of the stacks,

    • Stack: unsecure-public-api We are going to deploy a simple greeter api. This API is deployed as public endpoing to illustrate that any one in the internet can access the API and it is unsecure. When the api is invoked, It returns a welcome message along with the lambda ip address. We should be able to invoke the function from a browser or using an utility like curl.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy unsecure-public-api

      Expected output: The ApiUrl can be found in the outputs section of the stack,

        "message": "Hi Miztikal World, Hello from Lambda running at"
    • Stack: secure-private-api

      Now that we have understand that public APIs are accessible by everyone. Let us see how to build an secure API. To secure the API, we are going to deploy as PRIVATE type API and make it accessible only from a custom VPC. To add another layer of security, we can have a custom defined security group attached to the API.

      This stack:secure-private-api is dependant on the secure-private-api-vpc-stack. If you are using CDK, it will be deployed for you. If not go ahead and deploy that as well. The following resources are created by these two stacks,

      • A Custom VPC ( without NAT Instances )

        • API Gateway VPCE Endpoint
        • Custom Security Group allowing port 443 from within the VPC
      • Deploy an API Gateway with an lambda function backend

        • Attach a API Gateway Resource Policy, to make the API accessible only from the VPC

        Initiate the deployment with the following command,

        cdk deploy secure-private-api-vpc-stack
        cdk deploy secure-private-api

        Check the Outputs section of the stack to access the SecureApiUrl

  5. 🔬 Testing the solution

    The Outputs section of the secure-private-api stack has the required information on the urls

    • We need to invoke the SecureApiUrl from the same VPC. To make it easier to test the solution, I have created another template that will deploy an EC2 instance in the same VPC and in the same security group as the API Gateway. You can login to the instances using Systems Manager. You can deploy this stack or create your own instance.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy api-consumer
      curl -X GET

      Expected Output,

      sh-4.2$ curl -X GET
      {"message": "Hi Miztikal World, Hello from Lambda running at"}

      You can try accessing the SecureApiUrl from your browser/postman tool/curl, you should get an error. Here is an example from curl,

      $ curl
      curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

      Whereas if you do an nslookup {SecureApiUrl_Domain} in the EC2 instance, you will get an successful response from the VPC DNS Server.

      sh-4.2$ nslookup
      Non-authoritative answer:  canonical name =

    Now that we have shown how to deploy an API and secure it using API Gateway resource policies, VPC Endpoints & Security Groups.

    Additional Learnings: You can check the logs in cloudwatch for more information or increase the logging level of the lambda functions by changing the environment variable from INFO to DEBUG

  1. 🧹 CleanUp

    If you want to destroy all the resources created by the stack, Execute the below command to delete the stack, or you can delete the stack from console as well

    • Resources created during deployment
    • Delete CloudWatch Lambda LogGroups
    • Any other custom resources, you have created for this demo
    # Delete from cdk
    cdk destroy {STACK_NAMES}
    # Follow any on-screen prompts
    # Delete the CF Stack, If you used cloudformation to deploy the stack.
    aws cloudformation delete-stack \
        --stack-name "MiztiikAutomationStack" \
        --region "${AWS_REGION}"

    This is not an exhaustive list, please carry out other necessary steps as maybe applicable to your needs.

📌 Who is using this

This repository to teaches how to enhance api security to new developers, Solution Architects & Ops Engineers in AWS. Based on that knowledge these Udemy course #1, course #2 helps you build complete architecture in AWS.

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📚 References

  1. How to invoke a private API

  2. Troubleshoot API Gateway private API endpoint issues

  3. Security best practices in Amazon API Gateway

  4. Controlling and managing access to a REST API in API Gateway

  5. Protecting APIs using AWS WAF

  6. Access private REST API in another account using an interface VPC endpoint

  7. IAM policy examples for API execution permissions

  8. VPC endpoint policies for private APIs in API Gateway

  9. DNS with AWS Client VPN endpoint

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